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2015年9月16日星期三 旅游翻译及部分相关用语 Warm-up activities Nationwide property tax mulled (反复考虑) for houses and land? China is likely to introduce a _nationwide property tax as early as next year following trials in Chongqing and Shanghai, an official at Chinas top legislative body said. The National People’s Congress , the top legislature, is drafting a property tax law that is expected to wrap up later this year and be imposed in 2015_ , said the official from the NPC, who asked for anonymity ([?n?n?m?t?]匿名) due to the sensitivity of the issue. Unlike the trials in Chongqing and Shanghai, where the property tax is levied on houses only, the planned national property tax will target houses and land. “The method of taxation is still under discussion and is subject to changes,” the official said, adding that the NPC is also soliciting opinions from(征求意见) experts and tax authorities. Specifically, the ratio of the tax has not been decided, nor is whether the tax will be levied on newly built properties or on properties already owned. The new tax will combine several existing taxes, including a land tax on property developers, a tax for occupying arable land and a tax for house transactions. Last year the Third Plenary Session, the top annual meeting of the Communist Party of China, pledged to quicken the enactment ([?‘n?ktm(?)nt]制定,颁布) of a real estate tax as part of broad reform. It also required hastening the enactment of tax laws to improve the legitimacy(合法性) of tax collection. China started to levy property taxes in Chongqing and Shanghai in 2011 as pilot projects. 旅游翻译 Tourism Translation 旅游翻译的概念 Concept 旅游翻译应是为旅游活动、旅游专业和行业所进行的翻译(实践),属于专业翻译。 概括的说,旅游翻译是一种跨语言、跨社会、跨时空、跨文化、跨心理的交际活动。而同其他类型的翻译相比,它在跨文化、跨心理交际特点上表现的更为直接、突出、典型和全面。 Tourism Translation is a translation of practice for tourism activities, and is a cross-language and cross-society, a cross-time and cross-space, a cross-cultural, a cross-psychological communication activity. 旅游翻译的分类Classification 旅游翻译活动的范围很广,几乎囊括了翻译


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