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30 2 ( ) Vol. 30 No2 2005 4 Journal of Kunm ng Un vers ty of Sc ence and Technology ( Sc ence and T echnology) Apr . 2005 王立锋, 迟毅林, 罗德扬 ( , 650093) : 开发一套用于大型AC- DC 转换设备的在线状态监测和故障诊断系统, 该转换设备由一 台同步 动机和两台直流发 机组成. 监测系统从机组上拾取共13 路振动信号, 经分析处理, 显 示各路振动信号的机械图像, 幅值, 频谱, 自相关函数等. 当任何一路振动信号的幅值超过设定值 时, 监测系统将发出警告, 并自动存储此前 5~ 15 m n 的全部检测数据供进一步分析. 监测系统同 时还监测同步 动机的6 路主 网信号. : 机械振动信号; 气参数; 状态监测; 故障诊断 :TH 17 :A : 1007 - 855X( 2005) 02- 0028- 04 On- Line Condition Monitoring System Development for Rotation Equipment WA NG Lifeng, CHI Yilin, LUO Deya ng ( Faculty of Mechan cal and Electr cal Eng neer ng, Kunm ng U n vers ty of Sc ence and T echnology , K unm ng 650093, Ch na) Abstract: A mon tor ng system for a large- s zed AC- DC convert ng dev ce cons st ng of one synchronous motor and two DC generators s presented . The syst em p cks up 13 channels of v brat on s gnals of the dev ce, and d s plays such analys s results of v brat on as mechan cal mages, ampl tudes , spectrum, autocorrelat on and so on . When the v brat on ampl tude of any channel exceeds a def ned value, the system w ll automat cally alarm and restore all v brat on data last ng 5 to 15 m nutes before the event happens for deta led analys s . T he ma n l ne electr cal s gnals of 6 channels for the synchronous motor are also mon tored . Key ords: mechan cal v brat on s gnal; electr cal parameters; cond t on mon tor ng; fault d agnos s 0 , , . , , . , , , , / . , . 1 , , , . : 2004- 04- 30 . : ( 1976~ ) , , . : . E- mail:wlfhaw k@ yeah . net . 2 , , : 29 , . , , . , , . 1 6 300 kW , 50 Hz 10 kV


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