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英语语音语调 1st week Ask some students to say anything they like in order to know about their English pronunciation. (20 mts) Present a passage and ask several students to read, and then let out the recording and let students compare the native pronunciation and their own. (20 mts ) My darling! Well be married in three days time, Jane. Thank God! You know I never thought much of religion? Well, last Monday night, I was sitting by an open window, praying for peace and happiness in my dark life. In my heart and soul I wanted you. I cried out Jane three times. Last Monday night, around midnight? I asked, amazed. Compare the differences and similarities between Chinese and English. The vowels and consonants in English are similar to the Chinese 韵母and 声母 respectively, and many of the phonetic symbols in English are the same as those in Chinese in written form but different in pronunciation, for example, [b], [p], [m], [f], [d], [t], [n], [l], [g], [k], [h], [j], [q], [x], [z], [r], [s], [w], and some of the Chinese phonetic symbols have their pronunciation quite similar to but not exactly the same as the pronunciation of some of the English symbols, for example, the Chinese [ch] and the English [?]; the Chinese [zh] and the English[?]. ①In rhythm, Chinese requires each word to be pronounced very clearly, so each word is almost always in its strong form. But in English many words usually need to be pronounced in their weak forms.(汉语中每个字必须吐字十分清晰,所以中国学生习惯强读式,而英语中存在很多弱读现象, 多数学生因为掌握不好英语的弱读式而导致讲出的英语节奏感差,缺乏英语的味道。) ②汉语的话语节奏倾向于“以音节计时”(syllable-timed),即每个音节,即每个字的音长大致相同,音节彼此距离大致相等,所以要求每个字都“字正腔圆”,发音清晰,只有少数轻声语助词念得较快较含糊,因此,用字多的句子读或说起来所用时间就长,用字少的句子读或说起来所用时间就短,如,“我喜欢你”;“我从心底里喜欢你”。而英语是一种“以重音计时”(stress-timed)的语言,即重读音节间的时距大体相等。如ˋboys and ˋgirls 和 some ˋboys and some ˋgirls 两个短语中,音节数不同,但重读音节数相同,所以在话语中所需时间大致相同。这就要求说英语时,每个重读音节要用力较大,响度较大,声调较高,发音清晰而彻底,用时较长;而非重读音节则要用力较小,响度较小,声调较低,发音含糊而迅速,用时较短。所以,两个重读音节之间的非重读音节越多,就要说得越快,也就是,要把这些非重读音节压缩在一起,迅速而含糊地说出。如上面第二个短语中,读两个重读音节ˋboy


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