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安徽农业大学学报, 2013, 40(2): 250-253 Journal of Anhui Agricultural University 网络出版时间:2013-3-7 17:52:13 [URL] /kcms/detail/34.1162.S1752.018.html 土壤 pH 对茶园土壤有效氟含量的影响 * 张永利,廖万有 ,王烨军,苏有健,孙 力 (安徽省农业科学院茶叶研究所,祁门 245600) 摘 要:以茶园土壤为对象,通过室内模拟培养和田间改良试验,研究了茶园土壤pH 对土壤中水溶态氟和交 换态氟含量的影响。结果表明,在模拟培养下,当土壤 pH 由4.0 降至 3.5 时,土壤水溶态氟含量迅速升高,当pH 值在 4.0~5.0 之间时,水溶态氟含量较为稳定,之后随着土壤 pH 升高水溶态氟含量增加;交换态氟含量的变化趋 势与之大致相反,且 pH 对 20~40 cm 土层土壤有效氟的影响比 0~20 cm 土层显著,对水溶态氟的影响比交换态显 著,在强酸性土壤条件下对有效氟含量的影响比酸性条件下显著。田间试验结果与之基本一致,以 pH 5.0 为基点, 随土壤pH 值的上升或下降,两层土壤水溶态氟含量均增加,其中 pH 值降低对土壤水溶态氟的影响更大。 关键词:茶园土壤;水溶态氟;交换态氟;pH 值 中图分类号:S571.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672−352X (2013)02−0250−04 Influence of soil pH on available fluoride content of the soil in tea garden ZHANG Yong-li, LIAO Wan-you, WANG Ye-jun, SU You-jian, SUN Li (Tea Research Institute, Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Anhui Province, Qimen 245600) Abstract: Laboratory incubation tests and a field experiment were conducted to study the influence of soil pH on water soluble fluoride and exchangeable fluoride contents in tea garden soil. The results showed that the soil water soluble fluorine content increased obviously as soil pH value decreased from 4.0 to 3.5; it changed slightly at the ranging from pH 4.0 to pH 4.5, and then it increased with the raise of pH value. The change trend of soil exchangeable fluoride content was opposite. Soil pH had more influence on water soluble fluoride than on exchangeable fluoride, and the influence on available fluoride was more in 20-40 cm soil layer than in 0-20 cm soil layer, greater in strong acidic soil than in acidic soil. The field experiment also showed that pH 5.0 was the lowest point of soil water soluble fluorid


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