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第31 卷第5 期 系统工 程 学 报 Vol.31 No.5 2016 年10 月 JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Oct. 2016 基于链与链竞争的再制造产品销售渠道的研究 李晓静, 艾兴政, 唐小我 ( 电子科技大学经济与管理学院, 四川 成都610054) 摘要: 基于两个制造商与两个排他性零售商组成的市场建立了闭环供应链模型, 考察了供应链相互竞争时不同销 售渠道选择对供应链各成员利润的影响. 通过比较对称式竞争结构与混合式竞争结构, 识别了直销渠道与分销渠道 对供应链各成员利润改进的条件、博弈均衡特征和局限性. 同时, 探讨了不同竞争状态下两条闭环供应链销售渠道 的动态演化过程. 研究发现, 闭环供应链销售渠道的选择不仅依赖于产品间的竞争强度, 同时还受到再制造过程中 节约的生产成本的影响. 关键词: 链与链竞争; 再制造; 直销渠道; 分销渠道 中图分类号: TP273 文献标识码: A 文章编号:2016 doi: 10.13383/ki.jse.2016.05.011 Marketing channel structure of remanufactured products under competing supply chain Li Xiaojing, Ai Xingzheng, Tang Xiaowo (School of Management and Economics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, China) Abstract: Based on the market composed of two manufacturers and two exclusive retailers a closed-loop sup- ply chain model is established. It investigates supply chain participants’ pricing decisions and profits under different marketing channels. Simultaneously, the paper compares symmetric competition and hybrid compe- tition, identifies the game equilibria and the limitations of two marketing channels, and reveals the evolution equilibria of the marketing channel structures with different competitive intensities. The results show that chan- nel choices for manufacturers and supply chains depend on the competitive intensity of products and the cost saving in remanufacturing. Key words: chain to chain competition; remanufactured products; direct channel; distribution channel 1 引引引 言言言 随着人们对环境污


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