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【素材示例】 人生在勤,不索可获,人的一生就是不断耕耘与收获的过程。作为胸怀大志的青少年更应勤勤恳恳,努力学习与工作,就“No pains,no gains”发表自己的观点与看法。 审题构思: 篇章结构: 内容要点: 拟关键词: 构建句式: 【佳作播报】 No pains,no gains —By James No great work can be performed without effort.①We envy famous men and imagine that their fame was due to luck.But when we know their histories,we find that it is long years of patient work and constant effort that have brought about their success.Just as we cannot reach the top of a mountain without climbing,we cannot achieve success without effort and hard work. Diligence is the key factor of success.Diligence gives every man and woman,every boy and girl,proper work to do.Many men have become great because of their hardship.Diligence can make a fool wise and a poor man rich.②Thus,we know that diligence is a good thing. To do nothing is to bring ruin upon oneself.Idleness(懒惰)is the root of all evils.Many men love idleness.They eat delicious things and wear beautiful clothes,and waste both time and money on pastimes.Such a man does not know how to study and work.We have many evils to overcome and much good to do.To get fruitful results we must guard against idleness. 【赏文酌句】 作者观点鲜明,语言生动,文章结构严谨,从各个侧面论证了没有耕耘就没有收获这一观点,文章长短句结合,并且运用了比喻等修辞手法。 高级词汇:perform,imagine,due to,constant,achieve,overcome 过渡词语:Just as...,Thus等。 经典句式: ①双重否定句:No great work can be performed without effort. ②比喻句:Just as we cannot reach the top of a mountain without climbing,we cannot achieve success without effort and hard work. ③谚语:Diligence can make a fool wise and a poor man rich. Idleness is the root of all evils. 【佳句模拟】 1.no/not...without...双重否定句 [模拟] Nothing could live without water.没有水什么也活不了。 2.make+宾语+名词/形容词补足语 [模拟] What you said made him sad. 你说的话使他很难过。 佳句背诵 Many great men have risen from poverty—Lincoln, for example/instance. 许多伟人从贫困中崛起,例如林肯。 Where there is


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