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学 士 学 位 论 文 系 别: 中文系 学科专业: 汉语言文学 姓 名: 亢晓晓 运 城 学 院 2015年5月 毕 业 论 文 题 目:晚明和清前期文士生活的对比研究 系 别: 中文系 学科专业: 汉语言文学 姓 名: 亢晓晓 指导教师: 李燕青 运 城 学 院 2015年5月 晚明和清前期文士生活的对比研究 --以《陶庵梦忆》《浮生六记》为例 摘要:明张岱所著的《陶庵梦忆》和清沈复所著的《浮生六记》是二人在中年以后根据自己半世生活经历写成的具有浓厚生活气息的文学作品。在这两部文学作品中,二人深情回忆了往日生活的方方面面,从精神审美到物质生活,从衣食住行到社会交往,从琴棋书画到园林建筑,无所不包,无所不有。其中所记录的关于明清两代文士生活的内容极具代表性。本论文的研究内容以《陶庵梦忆》和《浮生六记》的文本为基础,着眼于明清两代文士生活审美追求的比较研究,通过文本中有关文士日常生活的描写,结合中国自古以来对于衣食住行的传统习惯,集中于明清两代文士的精神生活和物质生活两个方面进行对比,其中精神生活主要从二人的生活经历和社会交往进行分析;物质生活主要从服饰,饮食,住宅三个具体方面进行分析。通过比较分析,使我们了解古代文士的精神追求和物质生活,从而对我们阅读文学作品和塑造自身品格产生积极作用。 关键词:张岱;沈复;《陶庵梦忆》;《浮生六记》;文士生活 The Comparison of Intellectual’s Life between Reminiscences in Dreams of Tao an and Six Chapters of a Floating Life Abstract: The book Reminiscences in Dreams of Tao An which is written by Ming Dynasty writer of Zhang Dai and the book Six Chapters of a Floating Life, written by Qing Dynasty writer of Shen Fu are living literature .According to the real life experience, Zhang Dai and Shen Fu wrote these two books. In these two books, they recall lots of thing, such as the pursuit and the desire, the eating, the clothing, the landscape art, the art of music, poem, painting and so on. The main content of this thesis is based on above-mentioned two books, and then make a comparison between Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty about intellectual’s life. The thesis can be departed to three chapters except for preface and concluding remark. The first chapter makes a definition about “intellectual”, the second chapter shows their spirit and soul, and the last chapter introduces their daily life, including clothes, food and residence. The thesis aims at understanding the real life of intellectual, helping us to read their books and promoting ourselves. Keywords: Zhang Dai; Shen Fu; Reminiscences in Dreams of Tao an; Six Chapters of a Floating Life;


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