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历史渊源 历史渊源 地理气候 生物大观 生物大观 都市丽景 自然风光 * 澳大利亚Australia ——骑在羊背上的国家 Riding on the back of the sheep country   澳大利亚一词,原意是“南方大陆”,来自拉丁文“南方的土地”。早在4万多年前,土著居民便生息繁衍于澳大利亚这块土地上。1606年,荷兰人威廉姆·简士的杜伊夫根号涉足过澳大利亚,并命名此地为“新荷兰”。1770年,英国航海家库克发现澳大利亚东海岸,将其命名为“新南威尔士”,并宣布这片土地属于英国。   Australia a word, original intention is the south China, comes from Latin southern land. As early as in 40000, before DuoNian native residents will breeds in Australia on this land. In 1606, the Dutch William JianShi of dubai eve in Australia, and the square named for new Holland here. In 1770, the English navigator cook found that Australias east coast, named it of new south wales, and announced that this land belongs to the English.   1788年1月18日,由菲利普率领的一支船队抵达澳大利亚的植物学湾。八天后,他们正式在澳大利亚杰克逊港建立起第一个英国殖民区,这个地方后来成为澳大利亚现在的第一大城市悉尼。现在,每年的1月26日是澳大利亚的国庆日。   On January 18, 1788, led by Philip a fleet of botany bay arrived in Australia. Eight days later, they officially in Australia Jackson set up the first port of British colonial area, this place later became the first big Australia now city, Sydney. Now, each of the January 26 is Australias National Day.   1790年,第一批来自英国的自由民移居澳大利亚,以悉尼为中心,逐步向内陆发展。初期的殖民地仅赖以农业生存,其后便利用天然条件发展畜牧业。殖民地生产的羊毛不仅自给,而且向英国出口,为澳大利亚换回日用生活必需品。十九世纪五十年代,在新南威尔士和维多利亚两州发现金矿。大批来自欧洲的淘金者蜂拥而至。其后许多重要的金矿被一一发现,同期还发现大量矿藏,这些发现,让澳大利亚迅速致富和发展。   In 1790, the first batch of British freemen emigrated to Australia, in Sydney as the center, gradually to inland development. At the early stage of the colonies which only survival, and later agricultural use of natural conditions for the development of animal husbandry. Colonies of production, but also to the self-sufficiency wool not only British exports, for Australia in exchange for daily necessities. In the 1850 s, in the new south wales and Victoria two states found gold mine. From the rush of Europe. After many important gold by one by one in the same period, also found a large found deposits, these findings, let Australia to get rich quickly and development. 澳大利亚的国徽   澳大利亚国徽上的图案分别


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