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2 我国海拔最高的山峰是哪一座? 神农架的神农顶 3 “豆蔻年华”是指几岁? 13岁 4 世界上最大的古代土石建筑工程是哪一个? 中国的万里长城 ?5 隐形飞机是指什么样的飞机? 雷达测不到 6 世界上最大的动物是哪一种? 水母 A 西安 B 湖南 C 湖北 D 陕西 7 著名古迹秦始皇兵马俑位于我国哪个省份: A 张大千 B 张善子 C 徐悲鸿 D 齐白石 8 下列哪一位著名画家擅长画虎? A、攻击其鼻子  B、黄颜色  C、山雀的粪便    D、火 9 大家都害怕猛兽,但猛兽也有致命的弱点如狼。以凶狡猾著称,但它却害怕火和鲜红的颜色,而且它的腰最怕打,请问:老虎最害怕什么? A、15毫米以下  B、20毫米以下     C、25毫米以下  D、30毫米以下 10 天气预报:“今天阴有小雨”你可知道小雨的降雨量为多少 Mind Challenge Q1.I have as many brothers as sisters, but my brothers have twice the number of sisters as brothers. How many of us are there? Answer: Seven. The only possible solution is that the person talking is a woman, and there are four women and three men. Q2.Three meteorologists(气象学家) left a meeting in the middle of the night, during a heavy rain. “The weather will remain like this until the next full moon,” said one of them. “I agree. And 96 hours from now, the sun will not shine,” said the second one. “I agree more with you than with the first forecast,” said the third one. Why was the third meteorologist so sure? Answer: Because in 96 hours it would again be night. Q3.I have a book where the foreword(前言) comes after the epilogue(后序), the end is in the first half of the book, and the index(目录) comes before the introduction(简介). What book is it? Answer: The dictionary. The word “foreword’ comes after “epilogue”, “end” is in the first half of the dictionary, and “index” comes before “introduction”. Q4.Do you know if the Catholic Church allows a man to marry his widow’s(寡妇) sister? Answer: If the man left a widow, then he is dead. Therefore, he cannot get married. Q5. A Roman was born the first day of the 30th year before Christ and died the first day of the 30th year after Christ. How many years did he live? Answer: He lived 59 years, because there is no “0” year. 10 被誉为“诗魔”的是李商隐 李贺 11 开国大典鸣礼炮56响 49 12 十二生肖中的子时是指23点——1点 13 北极熊不会冬眠 会 14 中元节是中秋节的别称 鬼节的别称 15 有些企鹅在北极生活 只在南极 16苍蝇会得病 不会得病 18 宋江被称为急先锋 及时雨 19 口技专家是对“乌鸦”的美称 风险题 A 张大千 B 齐白石 C 徐悲鸿 D 张善子 1:下列哪一位著名画家擅长画虾? A 美国 B日本 C 德国 D英国 2 奔驰


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