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第 11 卷第6 期 V ol . 11, No . 6
200 8 年 12 月 JOU RN A L OF BU ILDIN G M AT ER IAL S Dec. , 2008
: 1007- 9629( 200 8) 06- 0673- 05
, , ,
( 同济大学道路与交通工程教育部重点试验室, 上海200092)
: , ( MTS)
. :
: U 416. 217 : A
Research of Design P aramet er s of Cement2St abilized Macadam
CH EN G J i an , X U Zhi2hong , ZH AN G Cha o, LI Shu2min g
( Key Lab or at ory of Road and Traffic Engineering of t he Ministry of Educat ion, Tongji
Univer sity, Shanghai 200092, China)
Abstr act : Based on h eavy t raffic an d m odern t est ing t echn ology developm ent , t h e resilient modu2
lus and P oisson ratio were measured t hrough m aterial t est syst em ( MT S) cir cumferent ial exten2
somet er m easurement. T he impact of ch an ge of resilient m odu lu s and Poisson ratio on t en sile
st ress an d sh ear st ress of a given p avement str uct ure was calcu lat ed t hrou gh BISAR pr ogramme.
Th e resu lt s sh ow t h at t h e resilient modu lus and Poisson r at io of cem ent2st ab ilized m acadam in2
crease wit h load , but th e ch ange of t wo design paramet ers h as insign ificant imp act on t en sile
st ress an d sh ear st ress . H owev er , ov erl oading h as sign ificant adverse imp act on t he st resses .
Key word s: cem ent2stab ilized m acadam resilient modulu s P oisson rat io overloadin g
回弹模量和泊松比是路面结构计算中的重要设计参数. 现行规范推荐的设计参数值是基于标
准轴载提出的, 它无法反映超重轴载条件下材料的力学响应. 5 公路工程无机结合料试验规程6
[ 1]
( JT J 057 ) 94) 规定了回弹模量的试验方法, 但未明确泊松比的试验方法. 邵显智等 利用MT S 环
向引伸仪法测试了不同沥青混合料的泊松比, 结果表明该方法精度高、测试方便.
本文实测了90 d 龄期水泥稳定碎石在不同荷载下的回弹模量和泊松比, 并用BISAR 程序计
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