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“女强人”的说法曾遭到很多职场女性的排斥,因为这好像宣布她没有女人味,多少带着几分贬义;但现在,不少在各自领域的成功女性却被冠以更加男性化的“哥”、甚至“爷”的称号,她们却欣然接受,认为这是对女性美貌与强悍并存的“最高级”夸赞,甚至认为,称女性为“爷”,是对其成就的肯定,就像称呼某位学术上有很高造诣的女性为“先生”一样,带有足够敬意。不久前,“女性爷时代”还入选互动百科一周的热词榜单。Superwoman argument has been a lot of women in the workplace rejection, because it seemed that she had no woman flavour, how many somewhat pejorative; but now, many in their respective areas of successful / women was given a more masculine brother, or even God of the title, they embrace it, think it the female beauty and strong coexist the most senior praise, even think, says women as God, is on its achievements, like calling a academic has a very high attainments of women as Sir, with enough respect. Not long ago, the list of hot words womens age was also named Interactive Encyclopedia for a week.诚然,对于当下许多职场女性而言,其魅力已不再凭借胭脂花粉的装扮和饰品的点缀,女性魅力已经从单纯的外表光鲜转为一种能量的具备和展现,是由内而外散发出来的特有气质。她们深知容貌服饰是魅力之形,而学识、阅历甚至是职场态度才是魅力之本。对于大部分女性而言,拥有能量和知性,已成为她们职场发展的目标。Of course, for the many women in the workplace, its charm is no longer with rouge pollen dress and ornament embellishment, feminine / charm from simple looking into an energy have and show the unique temperament, is distributed from the inside out. They know that looks costume is the charm, and knowledge, experience and professional attitude is the charm of the. For most women, have energy and intellect, has become their career development goals.外表无罪但拿能力说事The appearance of innocence but with ability that不可否认,如今在高压职场中,不少女性正像“爷”一样发光、拼搏,而高端白领女性则成了“爷时代”的构成者和引领者。有媒体针对这一现象做过一个调查,结果显示,40%的受访者身边有“事业有成又不失女性美的“爷”,特别是公关和金融领域,比例分别达60%和80%。Undeniable, now in the high pressure in the workplace, not girls as God like light, hard work, and high-end white-collar / women became a god era and leader. Media aimed at this phenomenon did a survey, results showed that, 40% of the respondents have successful and not to lose the female beauty God , especially the relations and the financial sector, the proportion reached 60% and 80% respectively..在某银行分行做行长的尤嘉,就是这样一


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