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2011高考英语写作高分优化策略主要内容 一、遣词三原则 二、造句四原则 三、组段三原则 四、高分优化策略 高分策略一、高分词汇与短语 高分策略二、高分句架 高分策略三、句式丰富多变 高分策略四、平行结构 高分策略五、复合句技巧 高分策略六、适当运用修辞手法 高分策略七、恰当使用警句格言 高分策略八、“一句话”技巧 高分策略九、万能模板 五、实考作文评析 一、遣词三原则 (一)准确 所谓词汇的准确性是指我们在由一个词进而想到它的同义词之后,要结合语境选择恰当的用词。 (二)简洁 在词汇的选择上,我们力求简洁。简洁是文章的灵魂,尤其是在信息爆炸的当今。 playground area → playground this is a slight possibility that → possibly think over carefully → think over (三)搭配合理 和汉语一样,英语中有些词只能与某些词同现,也就是说,词与词的同现有一定的选择限制,这种语言现象就是词的搭配(Collocation)。 Mary won Jane in the speech contest. Yesterday there was a big snow. We received the foreign guests enthusiastically. 二、造句四原则 (一)完整性 1. 能够表达一个完整的意思 2. 至少包括主语和谓语两个部分(祈使句除外) 例1 不完整: While they always try to avoid the number of 4 for its connection with death in Chinese pronunciation. 完整句: However, they always try to avoid the number of 4 for its connection with death in Chinese pronunciation. 例2 不完整: How to write a composition. 完整句: How to write a composition is not an easy thing to talk about. (二)一致性 一个好的句子必须是只表示一个完整的中心思想的句子,具有其一致性。 Different people have different addictions to (preferences for) books. They read different books just to meet their different needs. Because different people have different needs to read the different kinds of books. From this we can also see that different people have different intentions and notions. So they choose the different things to meet their needs in every facet in life. 修改后 : Different people have different preferences for books. Different people read the different kinds of books, because different people have different intentions and notions just as they choose the different things to meet their needs in every facet in life. (三)连贯性: 句子的连贯性指的是句子中各成分之间的关系明白清楚、富有条。 例1 原句:Not so many years ago in this city, one of the rivers was so polluted that there is no living fish in it. 优化句:Not so many years ago in this city, one of the rivers was so polluted that there was no fish living in it. 例2



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