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常见的不及物动词 go come move fail work die lie live rise arise listen look agree arrive sit happen take place occur break out belong stay come up come about fight struggle graduate smile nod disagree talk 简单句种类 1 主+谓 2 主+谓+宾 3 主+谓+宾+宾 4 主+谓+宾+宾补 5 主+系+表 * * * * * * * 一、指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分: 1. The students got on the school bus. 2. He handed me the newspaper. 3. I shall answer your question after class. 4. What a beautiful Chinese painting! 5. They went hunting together early in the morning. 6. His job is to train swimmers. 7. He took many photos of the palaces in Beijing. 8. There is going to be an American film tonight. 9. He is to leave for Shanghai tomorrow. 10. His wish is to become a scientist. 11. He managed to finish the work in time. 12. Tom came to ask me for advice. 13. He found it important to master English. 14. Do you have anything else to say? 15. To be honest; your pronunciation is not so good. 16. Would you please tell me your address? 17. He sat there, reading a newspaper. 18. It is our duty to keep our classroom clean and tidy. 19. He noticed a man enter the room. 20. The apples tasted sweet. 一、1、主语,定语;2、间接宾语;3、谓语,状语;4、定语;5、状语,状语;6、定语,表语;7、宾语,状语;8、谓语,主语;9、谓语;10、主语,表语;11、谓语,宾语;12、状语;13、形式宾语,真正宾语;14、宾语、定语;15、插入语,状语;16、宾语(间宾+直宾);17、状语,状语;18、形式主语,表语,宾补;19、宾补;20、表语 句子成分练习题( 二 ) 指出下列句子中划线部分的句子成分: 1.Whether we’ll go depend on the weather . 2. People’s standards of living are going up steadily . 3. That was how they were defeated. 4.The nursery takes good care of our children . 5.I’ll return the book to you tomorrow . 6.We are sure that we shall succeed . 7.The woman with a baby in her arms is his other . 8.There are many films that I’d like to see. 9.Have you met the person about whom he was speaking ? 10.I have a lot of work to do . 11.Anyway I won’t stop you from doing it . 12. She was the first to learn about it. 13.How many new words did you learn last class? 14.Seeing this ,some comrades became very worri
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