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组长:赵军 主讲人:刘凤娇 材料搜集:武玲玉 制作:赵军 The romance of The Three Kingdoms in the love story 《三国》中的爱情故事 主题一:阴谋与爱情 Conspiracy and love 吕布与貂蝉 To kill Dong Zhuo , Diao Chan fell in love With Lv Bu A story about Diao-chan A marvelous beauty (不可思议的) A story about love A story about hate A story about loyalty and betrayal (忠诚) (背叛) Some 1500 years ago It was the last regime of the Han Dynasty (政权) 四级词汇 Marvelous 不可思议的,奇迹般的,惊人的,奇妙的,了不起的 Eg :the capital offers some marvelous choices for you They have done such a marvelous job It was just marvelous, their reaction 同义词inconceivable incredible extraordinary remarkable superior wondrous wonderful She was one of the 4-beauties of Ancient China She was a real heroine (英雄) She sacrificed her own happiness for the best of her country and gained her position in the Man-controlled era 四级词汇 Sacrifice 牺牲,舍弃,献出:献祭,以…为祭品 Eg:she sacrificed family life to career Eg ;she made many sacrifices to get Anita a good education Two white bulls were sacrificed and a feast was held 献祭了两头白牛,并举行了盛宴 主题二:英雄与美人


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