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与此相比,汉语动词没有形态变化的约束,使用起来十分自由、简便。 汉语没有谓语动词与非谓语动词的形式之分,原形动词可以充当句子的各种成分,可以在句中多次连用,甚至重复、重叠、合成并用。 为数不多的介词又几乎都是用动词来代替的。 因此,汉语除了部分句子没有动词(即名词谓语句如“今天劳动节”和形容词谓语句如“天气很好”)以外,大量的句子都不止使用一个动词。 动词优势必然使汉语的表达呈现动态倾向。 由于以上的不同特点,英汉互译的过程往往是静态与动态互相转换的过程。适当地运用这一原理,常常可以使译文比较符合表达习惯,如: Ford’s first pledge was, “Mr. President, you have my support and my loyalty.” 福特一开始就保证说;“总统先生,我支持您,并效忠于您。” It came not as a Nixon revelation,but rather as a confirmation of the “New York Times” story. 这不能算是尼克松透露了什么新东西,而是证实了“纽约时报”的报道。 练习:静态转换为动态—英译汉 Harvard,despite its own estimate of itself,was ultimately an academic haven where an error of interpretation could result only in loss of face, not in extinction.(“Kissinger”) 哈佛大学,不管它如何自命高明,终究还是个学府胜地,在那里把问题看错了,无非丢脸而已,总不至于完蛋。 A spirit prevailed then which was quintessentially American:that problems are a challenge, not an alibi; that men are measured not only by their success but also by their striving,that it is better to aim grandly than to wallow in mediocre comfort. 那时的风气还是符合地地道道的美国精神的:有问题,只能上,不能躲, 衡量一个人,不但看他的成败,也看他的努力程度,宁愿好大喜功,也不甘庸闲遣日。 His frequent interference in other people’s private affairs is very annoying. 他常常干预别人的私事,真恼人。 My ignorance has made a fool of myself. 我孤陋寡闻,出洋相了。 There is a crying need for a new remedy. 现在急需想出新法子来补救。 Only the earl himself kept up a sly occasional acquaintance with her,when out of the jurisdiction of his ladies. 只有伯爵是例外,碰上妻子女儿管不着他的当儿,就偷偷摸摸地来找她。 汉语由动词加后缀构成的名词(如读者、教师、打字员、观察家、修理工)用来指人,不再表示行为或动作,因而英语这类名词往往要转换为汉语动词: The computer is a far more careful and industrious inspector than human beings. 计算机比人检查得更细心、更勤快。 He is a young and rapid writer. 他是个笔头快的年青人。 He was a nonsmoker and a teetotaler. 他既不抽烟,也不喝酒。 火箭已经用来探索宇宙。 Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. 一切爱好和平的人民都要求全面禁止核武器,彻底销毁核武器。 All peace-loving people demand the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons. 要不是我能干重活,早就给辞退了。 It was only my capacity for hard work that saved me from early dismissal. 屋顶需


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