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Chapter 6 Grammar and Text This chapter explores how grammar is related to text.----- Functional Grammar M.A.K. Halliday Michael Alexander Kirkwood Halliday (often M.A.K. Halliday) (born 1925) is a British linguist who developed an internationally influential grammar model, the systemic functional grammar (which also goes by the name of systemic functional linguistics [SFL]). Functional Grammar: basic views Language is the product of social activities. Language is what it is because it has to serve certain social functions. Social demands on L has helped to shape its structure. 韩礼德认为语言的性质决定人们对语言的要求,即语言所必须完成的功能。尽管这种功能千变万化,我们可以把它们归纳为若干个有限的抽象的功能,这就是“纯理功能”或“元功能”,这是种种语言用途所固有的。纯理论功能包括三方面: Three Metafunctions: Ideational function(概念功能) Interpersonal function (人际功能) Textual function(语篇功能) Ideational function(概念功能): to convey new information unknown to the hearer. 语言是对存在于主客观世界的过程和事物的反映,这是“经验”功能。逻辑功能以表现为并列关系和从属关系的线性的循环结构的形式出现。由于两者都是建立于说话人对外部世界和内心世界的经验,与其它功能相比较是中性的,因而可统称为“概念”功能。 “观察者”的功能(指说话人对主客观世界的观察) Interpersonal function (人际功能) : to express social and personal relations; the ways speaker enters into a speech situation and performs a speech act. 语言是社会人有意义的活动,是做事的手段,是动作,因此它的功能之一必然是反映人与人之间的关系,如反映说话人和听话人之间的社会地位和亲疏关系。这个纯理功能称为“人际”功能。 “闯入者”的功能,(指向他人灌输自己的思想) Textual function(语篇功能): to make any stretch of spoken or written discourse into a coherent and unified text and make a living message different from a random list of sentences. 实际使用中的语言的基本单位不是词或句这样的语法单位,而是表达相对完整思想的语篇。上述两种功能部分最后要由说话人把它们组织成语篇才能实现。这就是“语篇”功能。 语篇功能满足了使实际应用中的语言前后相关联的要求,使实际的上下文具备一定的结构,从而使实际的篇章区别于语法或者词典中一个个孤立的条目。它提供了一系列潜在的可用的意义,使语言结构的组成成为可能。 “相关”功能(指语篇的完整性、一致性和衔接性)。 An example (1)John saw a handbag in a field. John walked across a field and picked up a handbag. John took a handbag to the police station and John handed in a handbag as lost property. When John handed a handbag as lost property, John went home. (2)John saw a handbag in a field. He walked across the field and picked up the hand
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