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;1;What does the word ‘writing’ make you think of?;writing;写作过程?;topic 1;;;我今天做的事情;牢记哦! Keep them in mind:;Ask yourself more questions: Who often gives you love/who do you often get love from? (parents, friends, strangers) When do they give love to you? (every day, in need, in trouble);Love around me;topic 2 Write a passage about your friend. Para 1: 介绍你的朋友 如何认识他/她?你觉得你们的友情怎么样? Para 2: 客观描述 年龄, 衣服的颜色, 眼睛, 个头高矮, 爱好,等等. Para 3: 介绍朋友的性格(举一两个示例:如帮助我解答问题、生病时关心我) Para 4: 结尾.你对你们友情以后的期望(I hope we can....) ;时间顺序Time order: First, … First of all,… Second,… Third,… Next,… After that,… Then… Finally,…;空间顺序Space order On the right,… On the left,… In the center,… In the middle,… Next to the…,… Beside the…,… Opposite the ______,… Near the ______,… Under the ______,… ;转换写作逻辑的标志:;培养英语思维---词的搭配;注意定语位置 汉:常常是前置定语 英:前置和后置定语 e.g. 我们学校的所有学生 all the students in our school 左边数第五个男孩 the fifth boy from the left 英国人的日常生活 everyday lives of the British 在中国骑车的人数 the number of cyclists in China 几种气体的混合物 a mixture of several gases ;玩/放松的时间 time to play/relax 当一个音乐家的计划 plans to be a musician 出国学习的机会 the chance to study abroad 供人坐着休息的安静场所 a quiet place for people to sit in/rest 找到任何一个可以询问的人 find anyone to ask ;城市用水 water used by cities 不乱扔垃圾的习惯 the habit of not throwing away rubbish 我曾经生活的村庄 the village where I stayed/lived 我昨晚吃的某样东西 something I ate last night 到月球去的宇航员 astronauts who traveled to the moon 孩子们喜欢吃的食物 food (which) children like;写作小贴士:;2. 主语一致 应该保持全文人称一致,这样读者才能跟随一个逻辑思维顺序。否则读者会感到困惑。 e.g. Although you may fail the exam, he can still be useful to the country. It not only provides you with lots of knowledge but also develops his interests.;3. 主谓一致/人称一致 确保语法正确。 e.g. Things I hate to do is doing homework. What I hate to do is… Every people start to learn English. Every person starts to learn English. The activities c


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