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* 词块理论指导下的高一英语词汇教学 瓯海区任岩松中学 金云安 词块理论(lexical chunks) Becker(1975)第一次提出; Michael Lewis(1993)在The Lexical Approach 一书 基本观点: 基于词块的词汇是语言构成的中心因素,各种类型的词块组成词库,词块的不同的有机组合就形成了句子,进而组成连贯的篇章。根据该理论,语言习得的中心是基于词块的词汇,而不是传统意义上的语法。 两个特征:一是词块是形式与功能相对应的组合;二是具有语言生成能力及相对稳定的语用功能和较强的语境制约。 理论学习 夏谷鸣老师在讲座中也非常强调:根据词汇分层的原则,在语境和运用中教学词汇。 四种类型: 1、单词(Words)和多词词汇(Polywords) 2、搭配(collocations) 3、惯用话语(institutionalized utterances) 4、句子框架和引语(sentence frames and heads) 理论学习 教学实践(Teaching Practice) 1、充分重视高频词汇、英语短语,做到在师生互动中渗透、生成; 2、围绕不同的话题,教师要善于使学生联系有关话题,联想有关词汇,形成词群; 3、精加工部分重点词汇,特别是动词和形容词, 兼顾词性活用; 4、充分运用课前5分钟,进行topic report, 从口头和笔头两方面运用和巩固词块; 5、突出词块在听说课、写作课中的应用; 6、重视“二写二背”. 教学实践 Thank you! 搭配(collocations):指以较高频率出现的单词组合,如as usual、black tea、 heavy traffic、 busy line、 green hand、 face-to-face interview、 interview sb face to face、 persuade sb to do sth/ persuade sb into doing sth 惯用话语(institutionalized utterances): 指形式固定或半固定、具有固定语功能的单词组合,可以是完整的句子。如Pardon? I beg your pardon? Take care、 In my opinion、 I am afraid (not) . I’m sorry, but I don’t agree. Good luck on your journey. Give my best wishes to… . Sorry, I can’t follow you. I insisted that …. I prefer to do rather than do,… It was the first time that I had seen the night face to face. It is no pleasure looking through these any longer 句子框架和引语(sentence frames and heads):指有待填充的具有特定语用功能和较强生成国的框架结构。如on one hand, on the other hand, There are some reasons for this as follows. Firstly, secondly, Thirdly, Finally. As far as I am concerned , what’s more. Besides等,但仅用于书面语,作为篇章组织的手段。 在教学Unit1 Friendship Period1时的教学片段:教师设置2个问题 Do you think it is important to make friends? What good qualities do you think a good friend should have? 学生可以自由发言,教师可以板书如下: honest、unselfish easy-going、 kind-hearted、outgoing、 helpful、loyal、 responsible、 thoughtful等。 Task设置:Would you please make a list of three qualities which you think are the most important to a good friend? And your reasons? Ask the students work in groups and then report thei


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