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微软在Win8中取消了开始菜单,那么我们怎么样才能像Win7一样快速的打开一些常用软件呢?当然我们可以将应用“钉”到开始屏幕上,这是最好的方案。但是有些用户也不喜欢两个界面来回切换,这时候把软件固定到桌面任务栏就好啦。下面就说说怎样把软件固定到任务栏上。Microsoft cancelled the start menu in Win8, then how can we like Win7 fast to open some of the commonly used software? Of course we can apply nail to the start screen, this is the / best solution. But some users have dont like two interface switching back and forth, this time the software is fixed to the taskbar. Here to talk about how to make software pinned to the taskbar.把软件固定到任务栏The program pinned to the taskbar其实这个功能在Win7时代就有很多人在用了,但由于Win8在界面上做了一些调整,所以固定到任务栏的过程也出现了一些小小的变化。不过不要紧,这依然很简单,一学就会。In fact, this function in the era of the Win7 there are a lot of people in the use, but because Win8 made / some adjustments in the interface, so the pinned to the taskbar process there have been some small change. But dont worry, this is very simple, a school will.首先我们要找到我们想要固定到任务栏的软件,去安装目录文件夹?当然不是,那太麻烦了。先来到开始屏幕,然后右击鼠标(如果是触屏电脑就从底部边缘向上滑动)看到“所有应用”。First we have to find what we want pinned to the taskbar software, to the installation directory folder? Of course not, thats too much trouble. First came to the start screen, then / right-click the mouse (if it is a touch screen computer from the bottom edge of sliding upwards) to see the application of all.如何找到所有应用How to find all the application点击它我们就能看到在电脑上安装的所有软件了,而且按照字母顺序进行了排列,这样就很容易找到我们的目标软件。不过这里提醒一下,Windows Store里的Win8应用是不能固定到任务栏的,只能固定到开始屏幕,所以这个主意就不要打了。Click on it and we can see all the software installed on the computer, and are arranged in alphabetical order, so that it is easy to find our target software. But here to remind you, Win8 Windows Store is not pinned to the taskbar, can only be fixed to the start screen, so this idea dont beat.找到我们的目标软件,右键点击它,如果是触屏电脑需要按住图标然后轻轻下拉,这样在屏幕底部就出现了一条工具栏,在工具栏上我们能马上发现“固定到任务栏”的选项。We find the target software, right click on it, if it is a touch screen computer need to hold down the icon and then gently down, it will appear a toolbar at the bottom of the screen, on th


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