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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 【看美剧学托福】2016,美剧看什么? 新年之际,文青们在B格爆棚的公众号里留言怀念2015逝去的B.B.k ing 和原节子;百度Google忙着公布年度热搜词,比如3部好莱坞大片 ,2款游戏,2位美国运动明星和1位变性名人;TIME在大家还在沉湎过 去的时候已经开始赚取2016的广告费… Anyway,2016年最值得期待的21部美剧电影电视节目已经在TIM E娱乐版跟大家见面了!今天智课外语马晨抒Vicky老师为大家验证看美 剧和托福写作之间的玄妙关系~~ 排名第一的是:神探夏洛克—可恶的新娘 关于这部电影,TIME是这样描述的: Premieres Jan. 1 on BBC, in theaters Jan. 5 6 To whet audience’s appetites [1 ]during the long gap between Sherlock seasons, Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman are returning to 221B Baker Street for a holiday special. This time, though, the show will take place in Victorian England [2 ]when Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote the original series and be what creator Steven Moffat calls a “proper ghost story.” Those lucky enough to catch the special in theaters on Jan. 5 and 6 will get an extra 20 minutes of footage. 托福写作高分词汇积累 : [1 ]whet one’s appetites 刺激食欲 ,开胃 [2 ]Victorian England 维多利亚时代 排名第二的是:Colony Colony 大概讲了这样一个故事 : Set in the near future, Colony centers on a family headed up by Holloway and Callies who must make difficult decisions as they balance staying together with trying to survive. They live in L.A., which has been occupied by a force of outside intruders. While some people have chosen to collaborate with the authorities and benefit from the new order, others have rebelled and suffer the consequences. 这句话看起来真的应该当作托福基础阅读的长难句练习啊 ! Cuse says the show is less alien invasion and more a meditation on the aftermath of such a traumatic event. 接下来我们跳跃过排名顺序 ,看一部我们比较熟悉的剧:美国重罪 ,排名第八 Perhaps the most star-studded [3 ] series of the year, the first installment of American Crime Story has garnered some major buzz [4 ]. 托福写作高分词汇积累 : [3 ]stud 做动词本意指散布;用许多饰钮等装饰。本文中应该是 指这部剧 “星光熠熠”。 [4 ]major buzz 表示引起比较大的反响 ,炸开了锅。 还有一些榜上有名的剧,比如:sci-fi (science fiction )11.22.63 。主人公穿越回到1963年11月22 日阻止肯尼迪遇刺。


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