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GMAT文章层次划分方法 之前说过支撑一篇文章的框架主要可以根据文章每段首句和每段段内转折词来找。那么 在找到框架之后又该怎么去划分框架下得细节内容?划分这些细节对于细节题的做题非常 有帮助。原则上我们主要根据具体情况下的句意来划分结构下的层次。 比如有这么一段话: 一、浙江有很多地方的人组成。 绍兴人 温州人 宁波人 那么就可以根据这三类地方的人进行划分层次。问到宁波人的时候就只看宁波这第3 层次就可以了,提高做题效率。 另外一个例子是: 一、人有不同部分组成 头部 上半身 下半身 脚 这个例子就根据具体情况,虽然是一个人为一个整体,但是文章下面分开部位进行介绍, 那么这里就根据部位划分为4个层次。方便细节题回文定位。 那么我们再以下面这篇文章为例: A small number of the forest species of lepidoptera (moths and butterflies, which exist as caterpillarsduring most of their life cycle) exhibit regularly recurring patterns of population growth and decline - such fluctuations in population are known as population cycles. //Although many different variables influence population levels, a regular pattern such as a population cycle seems toimplyadominant,drivingforce.//Identificationofthatdrivingforce,however, hasproved surprisingly elusive despiteconsiderableresearch.Thecommon approach of studying causes of population cycles by measuring the mortality caused by different agents, such as predatory birds or parasites, has been unproductive in the caseof lepidoptera.Moreover, population ecologistsattemptsto alter cycles by changing the caterpillarshabitatandby reducing caterpillar populationshave not succeeded. In short,the evidence impliesthatthese insectpopulations, ifnot self-regulating, may at least be regulated by an agent more intimately connected with the insect than are predatory birds or parasites. Recent work suggests that this agent may be a virus. For many years, viral diseasehadbeen reported in declining populationsof caterpillars,butpopulation ecologistshadusually considered viraldisease to have contributed to the decline once itwasunderwayrather than tohave initiated it.Therecentworkhasbeenmade possibleby new techniquesofmolecular b


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