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智 课 网 G M A T 备 考 资 料 GMAT阅读备考之长难句三部曲-智课教育 在很多时候,我们对长难句的理解力越高, 越能更好的理解句子和 文章表达的意思,从而最大限度的保证我们后续做题的正确率。 正文: 长难句的学习,是我们提高阅读能力最基本的一步。 那么怎么来复习长难句呐?下面我们来说一下复习长难句的三个方 法:结构分析法, 意群阅读法和重点词汇合理推测法。 下面我们通过实例来讲解一下如何通过这三种方法来加强我们对长 难句的理解。 一、结构分析法: 通过句法,语法分析,迅速弄清句子的主体结构,分辨出是简单句 ,并列句还是复合句?然后哪些是修饰成分?这些修饰成分的修饰对象是 谁?从而迅速理清这个句子的主体意思。 比如: 范例1: There are two principal influences that shape the terrain: constructive processes such as uplift, which create new landscape features, and destructive forces such as erosion, which gradually wear away exposed landforms. 简单句 2、主干: there are…influences ….: constructive processes…. and destructive forces… 3、修饰成分: influences that shape the terrain processes such as uplift, which create forces such as erosion, which gradually 即使有些地方看不懂 ,但整句话的主体意思却已经一 目了然了。 范例2: Not one of the potential investors is expected to make an offer to buy First Interstate Bank until a merger agreement is signed that includes a provision for penalties if the deal were not to be concluded. 1.复合句 not…until…. 2.主干: Not one of the potential investors is expected … until a merger agreement is signed…. 3.修饰成分: expected to make an offer to buy First Interstate Bank a merger agreement is signed that includes… that includes a provision for penalties if the deal were 二、意群阅读法: 意群:几个表示同类意思的词或者语法结构。 读意群就是把这几个词或者语法结构作为一个个体来看 ,才能够 从整体上理解这句话的意思, 从而提高阅读速度。 范例1: That each large firm will act with consideration of its own needs and thus avoid selling its products for more than its competitors` charge is commonly recognized by advocate of free-market economic theories. 1、 主干: That … is …recognized by 2、意群: 主语: (1) 主语意群:each large firm 每个大公司 (2) 宾语意群:act with….. and thus avoid …. 出于各自的利益考虑而行动 , 将避免其产品卖的比其他竞争者更昂贵


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