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智 课 网 G M A T 备 考 资 料 乔治亚大学研究生GMAT成绩要求-智课教育 美国乔治亚大学(University of Georgia)创建于1785年,历史十分 久远,首位校长以及一位校董事会成员参与起草和签署了美国《独立宣 言》。其新闻与大众传播学院、公共行政学院更为全美最顶尖的五所学 校之一,并为美国电视花生人奖(Peabody Awards)的主办大学,被誉 为美国南方三所公立常青藤大学之一。考生如果想要留学该院校,就要 先了解一下该学校对语言成绩的具体要求,然后努力达到其招生要求。 接下来智课教育小编将结合乔治亚大学官网以及智课教育出国考试成功 申请案例为大家介绍乔治亚大学研究生GMAT成绩要求,希望对广大考 生能有帮助。 作为美国公立高等教育的发源地 ,乔治亚大学也是全美第一所公立 大学,由14所学院及1所研究所组成,校区面积广阔 ,拥有许多的天然 资源。主校区共计有313栋大楼 ,以作为教学使用 ,总学生人数大约是3 3,000左右 ,历年来的学校排名位居前茅 ,《USNEWS》排出的最值公 立大学中排第7,普林斯顿评价》评出的最值大学中排第9。 官网信息: Entrance Test Scores Entrance test scores appropriate for each application must be sent to the Office of Graduate Admissions directly by the responsible testing agency. All test scores, except the TOEFL, are subject to a five-year time limitation. Scores from the Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL), required of applicants whose native language is not English, are subject to a two-year time limit. Scores on the Verbal and Quantitative sections of the General Test of the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) are required for admission as a prospective candidate for most graduate degrees. The Miller Analogies Test (MAT) may be used in lieu of scores on the GRE for admission to some Master of Education and Specialist in Education degree programs. The GMAT is required for applicants seeking admission as prospective candidates for the Master of Business Administration and the Master of Accountancy degrees. Applicants for the Master of Marketing Research and Master of Internet Technology degrees may submit either the GMAT or the GRE. The Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy programs in business administration accept the GMAT or the GRE. The Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy programs in economics require the GRE. Either the GRE or GMAT may be submitted in support of the MA in journalism and mass communication, the Master of Mass Communication (MMC), and P


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