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智 课 网 G M A T 备 考 资 料 gmat机经,2011年8-9月gmat逻辑机经(至830)(九)_智 课培训 以下智课留学更新2011年GMAT机经,以下2011年8-9月GMAT逻 辑机经更新,时间从2011年8月20日至8月30日,目前共90题。智课留 学祝大家GMAT考试顺利! 29【除草剂】 by CCaCC 有一个是除草剂对玉米有效,对棉花无效,这种效果超过一年以上 。 问农民不愿使用除草剂的原因?选因为两种作物交替使用。 【GWD原题】 GWD-TN-21-17 by meimi It is crucially important to farmers that the herbicides they use to control weeds not damage their crops. One very effective herbicide is safe for corn, but soybeans are damaged even by the herbicide’s residue, which remains in the soil more than a year after the herbicide is applied. Soybeans and corn are not sown together in the same filed; nevertheless, most farmers are reluctant to use the herbicide on their corn. Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest justification for the farmers’ reluctance? A. The residue of the herbicide in the soil a year after application is not enough to control most weeds effectively. B. To maintain the nutrients in the soil, corn and soybeans are often planted in a field in alternate years. C. The demand for soybeans is growing faster than is the demand for corn. D. For maximum yield, soybean plants are grown closer together to each other than are corn plants. E. The application of herbicides is less critical for soybean than for corn crops. 30【brickwall】 by CCaCC 一个人安装什么brickwall,说效果不好,因为他自己能发现那哪种 是真的,哪种是假的。 问你能削弱结论的选项。 【考古】 by XYXB V1 A说,仿制的砖头和真的砖头有区别,走在街上,我一下子就看出 哪些建筑物是真的砖头,哪些是仿的 B说,原话不记得了,大概意思是,那只是你以为的,很可能你认 为是真的建筑物当中也有假的 问 :怎么反驳的 狗主答案:这个拿不准 ,选的A,那话有点绕... V2 小花正在考虑把家门前的Panel换成那种砖头花纹的,但是他又很 犹豫 ,因为他看到当地很多人家都换成砖头花纹的panel,但是他觉得 都看得出来不是砖头的,所以这种Panel效果不好。问weaken。有个选 项是如果人家换这个Panel的效果好,小花看不出来。只有人家效果不 好时,他才看得出来这个只是砖头花纹的不是真的。我就选的这个。 V3 760 A说仿砖那种设计虽然很好,但是骗不了人,因为和真砖区别太大 了!B说那些可以骗人的,你以为是真的那些实际上是假的。问B怎么反 驳A的。我选了说A用来


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