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英语四级听力常考习语 1 1 11、表方位。 Letsgotothe restaurant across thestreetandget Letsgotothe restaurant across thestreetandget LLeettssggoottootthhee rreessttaauurraannttaaccrroossss tthheessttrreeeettaannddggeett something toeat. something toeat. ssoommeetthhiinngg ttooeeaatt.. 让我们去街对面的餐馆买些吃的。 2 2 22、表动作,穿越。 You must goacross the bridgeand thenturn right. You must goacross the bridgeand thenturn right. YYoouu mmuussttggooaaccrroosssstthhee bbrriiddggeeaanndd tthheennttuurrnn rriigghhtt.. 你必须先过桥,然后再往右拐。 2 age 2 age 22、aaggee 1 1 11、年龄。最一般的表达。在此不赘述。 2 2 22、衰老。 the agingpeople =the old people the agingpeople =the old people tthhee aaggiinnggppeeooppllee ==tthhee oolldd ppeeooppllee aging problem( aging problem( 现代社会出现越来越严重的aaggiinngg pprroobblleemm((人口老龄化问 题))等。)) 3 all 3 all 33、aallll 1 shakeall over 1 shakeall over 11、sshhaakkeeaalllloovveerr浑身颤抖 2 all of asudden 2 all of asudden 22 aallllooffaassuuddddeenn 、 突然地 All ofasudden,I rememberedhername. All ofasudden,I rememberedhername. AAllllooffaassuuddddeenn,,II rreemmeemmbbeerreeddhheerrnnaammee..我突然想起了她 的名字。 3 byall means 3 byall means 33、bbyyaallllmmeeaannss一定 Ill come by all means. Ill come by all means. IIllllccoommee bbyy aallllmmeeaannss..我一定会来的。 4 all night long 4 all night long 44 aallllnniigghhtt lloonngg 、 整晚 My present neighbor plays piano all night long. My present neighbor plays piano all night long. MMyy pprreesseennttnneeiigghhbboorr ppllaayyssppiiaannoo aallllnniigghhtt lloonngg..我现在的邻 居整晚都弹钢琴。 4 apply 4 apply 44、aappppllyy 这里我们详细串联一下在听力考试中涉及到的与求职相关 的短语。 apply for( ) apply for( ) aappppllyy ffoorr((申请)),这是工作的第一步;既然要申请,必然 letterofapplication ( ) letterofapplication ( ) 需要递交lleetttteerrooffaapppplliiccaattiioonn ((求职信 ,只要你足够)) confident about yo


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