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斐波那契数列 摘 要 关键词 ;; Geometry - the arithmetic mean inequality and its application in algebra Abstract Geometry - the arithmetic average of inequality is very important inequality,The most widely used in modern analytical mathematics,Many of the conclusions proved to be using this inequality on the basis of,Clever use of this inequality can make many of the problems is a beautiful solution,Brought a lot of convenience for our research work. The proof of this inequality and we are interested in. With the inequality continues to be proven and be used to prove the other conclusions,Lead to the use of inequality greatly advance. Geometry - the arithmetic average of the inequality in the extreme value, the conditional extremum seeking some iterative series limit, series convergence and inequality derivation of a large number of widely used,Apply this inequality can be many unexpected results,It also results of the use and development of a variety of transformation. On the geometry - the arithmetic mean inequality research and extension, our problem-solving ideas will be to develop mathematical thinking will be a corresponding increase in, which is of practical significance to explore some of the substantive issues. Key words Geometry - the arithmetic average of inequality ; Elementary Proof ;The use of inequality 1 引言 1.1 研究背景和意义 1.2 研究现状 1.3 本文的主要工作及内容 本文 2 斐波那契数列的定义和性质 2.1斐波那契数列的定义 定义:一个数列,前两项都为1,从第三项起,每一项都是前两项之和,那么这个数列称为斐波那契数列,又称黄金分割数列。 表达式 F0=1,F1=1,Fn=Fn-1+Fn-2 通项公式 (又叫“比内公式”,是用无理数表示有理数的一个范例) 比较有趣的是:一个完全是自然数的数列,通项公式竟然是用无理数表示的。 2.2 斐波那契数列通项公式的证明 下面是其通项公式的几种证明方法: 方法一(利用特征方程) 线性递推数列的特征方程为:  解得 , 则 ∴ 解得 ; ∴ 方法二(递推法):   “”   有, 因此当时有   将以上个式子相乘得:  上式可化简得:得:,令有: 则有:; 因此 所以:,所以有数列为首项为,公比为的等比数列。 因此: 又与联立消去得: 由 ,得:, 又得: 由,得: , 综上所述: 方法三(黄金分割法): 因为,是方程的两根(其中黄金分割比)。得到,再左右同时乘以即得到: ① ② 由①,②容易得到: 现在我们令得: 其实斐波那契数列通项公式的证明有很多种,本文只是介绍了其中的三种,下面我们来研究斐波那契数列有那些性质。 2.3斐波那契数列的性质及其证明 性质一、若数列为斐波那契数列,则;


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