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After Christmas lunch with all the trimmings and, perhaps, a couple of glasses of port, it is inevitable that sitting down in front of the television will result in an unintended nap.吃完备有各种配菜的圣诞午餐,或许餐后再来几杯葡萄酒,坐下来看看电视,这时候难免会不知不觉打起盹来。But enjoying a snooze on Christmas Day will no longer mean missing your favouriteprogramme thanks to a wristwatch-style device that will record it for you when you fall asleep.不过,好在有了新型腕带设备,圣诞节打个盹儿不再意味着错过你最喜欢的节目,因为它会在你睡着时录下错过的节目。The gadget, which tracks the wearer’s pulse to detect when they are asleep and takes over the remote to pause or record programmes, was invented by Ryan Oliver, 15, and Jonathan Kingsley, 14.该腕带由15岁的赖安·奥利弗和14岁的乔纳森·金斯利(Jonathan Kingsle)共同发明。它可以监测佩戴者的脉搏,他们睡着时会控制遥控器将节目暂停或录下来。The teenagers’ device, the KipstR, has been taken up by Virgin Media to work via Wi-Fi with its TiVo television boxes.维珍传媒公司已启用这款青少年设计的KipstR腕带,让它在Wi-Fi环境下遥控该公司的Tivo电视盒。The boys, both students at the Manchester Creative Studio, were approached by Virgin Media when presenting their device at a start-up event.这两个男孩都是“曼彻斯特创意工作室”的学生,他们在一次创业活动中展示设计方案时,维珍传媒找到了他们。Ryan, from Kent, said: “They saw we worked well together and wanted an opportunity to work with us. Both of us had worked before with wearable technology. They know that under-18s aren’t eligible to get jobs like this and they wanted to support us.”来自肯特郡的赖安说:“他们看我们合作得很好,所以想和我们一起研发。我们两个之前都做过可穿戴技术。他们了解未满18周岁的青少年没有足够能力做好得这项工作,所以他们想帮我们。”Jonathan added: “Once we started working, we got together a few bits and pieces — a small spark core, battery system, pulse oximeter and from there it was relatively simple to create a system that checked heart rates.”乔纳森补充道:“开始研发以后,我们收集了一些零部件——一个小型spark core(一种Wi-Fi开发板)、电池系统、脉搏血氧仪,这么一来,研发一个监测心率的系统就相对简单了。”The pair finished their product last week and Virgin is now asking for volunteers to test it out.这对搭档上周完成该产品制作,维珍传媒正在征集志愿者以对它进行测试。The boys hope the technology can be adapted for other devices, such as testing which programmes cause the biggest emotional responses.两


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