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中国考博辅导首选学校 中央财经大学考博英语词汇真题热点必备 第一 分: 爱岗敬业 cherish posts and devote wholeheartedly to work 保持国民经济发展的良好势头 maintain a good momentum of growth in the national economy 保持国有股 keep the State-held shares 保证下岗职工的基本生活 guarantee the basic needs of laid-off workers 被指控接受贿赂 be accused of accepting bribes 采取不同的办法 adopt various methods 采取反垄断措施 take anti-monopoly measures 承担风险 bear (take) risk 筹集足够的资金 raise enough funds (capital, proceeds) 创收外汇 earn foreign exchange (currency) 刺激国内经济需求 spur domestic demand 刺激国内需求 stimulate domestic demand 从粗放经济转变为集约经济 shift from extensive economy to intensive economy 从国外引进先进技术和管理 introduce from abroad the advanced technology and 经验 management expertise 促进地区间的合作 promote regional cooperation 促进改革 promote reform 第二部分: 减员增效 downsize for efficiency; cut payroll to improve efficiency 剪彩 cut the ribbon 解除劳动关系 sever labor relation 解放生产力 emancipate the productive forces (free the productivity) 精简机构 streamline government organs 竟争上岗 compete for the post 举报非法行为 disclose any illegal activities 开辟更多渠道 open more channels 开发 (青睐)中国市场 tap (favor) the Chinese market 开拓市场 exploit markets 控制通货膨胀 control inflation (keep inflation under control) 扩大贫富差距 widen the gap between the rich and the poor 扩大消费市场 expand consumption market 留职停薪 retain the job but suspend the salary 面对可能的压力和竞争 face possible pressure and competition 牟取暴利 seek excessive profits 平衡经济 (的发展) balance economy 取缔非法收入 ban unlawful incomes (illegal earnings) 让…处于同一起跑线 put… on the same platform and at the same starting point 让位于竞争需要 give way to the need for competition 申请专利 apply for a patent


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