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本科毕业论文 科右中旗农牧业发展状况分析 学 院:经济管理学院 专 业:工商管理 姓 名:白乌兰 学 号指导教师:杜富林 职 称:副教授 论文提交日期:二ΟΟ八年六月 摘 要 科右中旗位于兴安盟南麓,冬季干旱寒冷,持续时间长,夏季酷热少雨,太阳辐射强,日照丰富,水文属嫩江水系的主要河流有霍林郭勒(河),作为科右中旗基础产业的农牧业,对全旗的经济发展具有举足轻重的作用。近几年以来,科右中旗农牧业经济发生了较大变化,但农牧业生产仍处在较低的发展水平,如农牧业基础设施脆弱,草原退化严重,草地资源破坏非常严重,资金投入不足等困难和矛盾。农牧民收入虽是稳定的增长,但增长趋势缓慢,总体收入水平仍然很低,与全国人均水平相比存在着较大的差距。剩余劳动力转移不畅,对农牧业发展没有积极作用。本论文试通过对科右中旗的发展条件及农牧业现状进行分析,提出当前存在的问题,并对农牧业发展作出合理的应对措施。 关键词:农牧业;退耕还林;作物结构 Abstract Keyouzhongqi banner located in the south of the Xingan League, where is cold and drought in winter and lasted for a long time; in summer there is hot、few rain、strong solar radiation、abundant sunshine. Hydrological belongs to Nenjiang River such as the main river is Holling Guo Le River. Agriculture and animal husbandry industries as a basic industrial is hold the balance in Keyouzhongqi banner. In recent years, there is a greatness changing happened in the agriculture and animal husbandry industries of Keyouzhongqi banner. But the agriculture and animal husbandry production is still at a lower level of development, such as infrastructure fragile, grassland degraded seriously, grassland resources damage is very serious, a lack of capital devotion and other difficulties and contradictions. Though a steady growth of farmer and herdsmen’s income, the trend is slow growth, the overall income levels remain low, there is a larger gap compared with the national average. Surplus labor force are transfer impeded, that is not a positive role in the development of agriculture and animal husbandry. This paper is trying to analysis the develop conditions of Keyouzhongqi banner and current status of agriculture and animal husbandry, bring forward the existing problems and reasonable response measures for development of agriculture and animal husbandry. Key words: Agriculture and animal husbandry ;Returning farmland to forests ;Crop structure 目 录 引言 1 1 科右中旗基本概况 1 2 科右中旗农牧业生产变迁 1 2.1 农牧户数及人均收入 1 2.2农用地面积的变迁 2 2.3农作物结构的


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