计算机其它_Crime-Time Series Data Library(犯罪-时间序列数据资料库).pdf

计算机其它_Crime-Time Series Data Library(犯罪-时间序列数据资料库).pdf

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计算机其它_Crime-Time Series Data Library(犯罪-时间序列数据资料库)

Crime-Time Series Data Library(犯罪-时间序列数据 资料库) 数据摘要: This is a collection of about 5 time series drawn from Crime. All of the data is in text format. Right click on a file name and save to disk. To open in Excel, choose File-Open and select the file. Excel will then start the Text Import Wizard automatically. Almost all data sets are single column. Where a single data set is in several columns it is to be read across rows. 中文关键词: 犯罪,时间序列,资料库,收集,文字,单列, 英文关键词: Crime,Time Series,library,collection,text,single column, 数据格式: TEXT 数据用途: Time Series Data Library 数据详细介绍: Crime-Time Series Data Library This is a collection of about 5 time series drawn from Crime. All of the data is in text format. Right click on a file name and save to disk. To open in Excel, choose File-Open and select the file. Excel will then start the Text Import Wizard automatically. Almost all data sets are single column. Where a single data set is in several columns it is to be read across rows. Crime AUSGUNDEATHS.DAT Deaths from gun-related homicides and suicides and non-gun-related homicides and suicides. Australia: 1915-2004. Source: Neill and Leigh (2007). [Original data source]. Note: National Firearms Agreement was introduced in 1997. MCCLEARY5.DAT Monthly Boston armed robberies Jan.1966-Oct.1975 Deutsch and Alt (1977). Source: McCleary Hay (1980), and O’Donovan. MCCLEARY7.DAT Hyde Park purse snatchings in Chicago 28 day periods; Jan’69 – Sep ’73 Hay. Source: McCleary Hay (1980), and O’Donovan. MCCLEARY10.DAT Monthly Minneapolis public drunkenness intakes Jan.’66-Jul’78. Source: McCleary Hay (1980). ODONOVAN29.DAT Natural logarithms: monthly Boston armed robberies. Source: O’Donovan. 数据预览: 点此下载完整数据集


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