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智 课 网 G M A T 备 考 资 料 OG例题讲解GMAT语法解题步骤-智课教育 GMAT语法是很多考生感觉为难的题目,尤其遇到划线句子长的试 题更是不知道从何下手,我们掌握了那么多技巧和经验,那么大家有没 有付诸实践,把这些技巧运用到解题当中呢?本文今天就以OG例题讲解 GMAT语法解题步骤,希望大家能够学以致用。 一、我们先看下面这道题 In a review of 2,000 studies of human behavior that date back to the 1940s, two Swiss psychologists, declaring that since most of the studies had failed to control for such variables as social class and family size, none could be taken seriously. (A) psychologists, declaring that since most of the studies had failed to control for such variables as social class and family size, (B) psychologists, declaring that most of the studies failed in not controlling for such variables like social class and family size, and (C) psychologists declared that since most of the studies, having failed to control for such variables as social class and family size, (D) psychologists declared that since most of the studies fail in controlling for such variables like social class and family size, (E) psychologists declared that since most of the studies had failed to control for variables such as social class and family size, 二、按照解题步骤一步一步解析 1,先浏览题目,发现考点。 考点包含主谓一致,平行/比较,代词指代,时态语态,修饰语, 表达不清,有歧义,逻辑语义错误,错误使用连词/副词及其他修饰语 ,句子/分词之间错误转换以至于改变逻辑意思。增添不必要的信息等 等。 In a review of 2,000 studies of human behavior that date back to the 1940s, two Swiss psychologists, declaring that since most of the studies had failed to control for such variables as social class and family size, none could be taken seriously. 2、找出逻辑主语,句首doing或者done的动作发出者。若句首的 doing或者done是没有划线的,后面划线部分主语必须用一个明确的名 词才行。 我们看句子划线部分和整体的联系 ,发现句子主语是psychologist s,没有谓语,所以AB错误,AB选项中 “declaring”不能单独做谓语 动词,于是 “two Swiss psychologists”在主句中失去了谓语动词,主谓结构不完整。 3、比较剩余选项的差异 ,找最明显的差异 ,可见CDE选项中,CE 中举例子用的是such as而D中举例子用的是such like ,可发现明显的固 定搭配使用错误,因为 “like”在标准书面英语中可以表示名词之间的 相似性 ,不可以用于举例,


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