GB 15258-2009化学品安全标签编写规定.pdf

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  • 约4.6万字
  • 约 28页
  • 2017-05-30 发布于四川
  • 正版发售
  • 现行
  • 正在执行有效期
  •   |  2009-06-21 颁布
  •   |  2010-05-01 实施

GB 15258-2009化学品安全标签编写规定.pdf

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ICS 13.300 A80 GB National Standard of the Peoples Republic of China GB 15258 – 2009 To Replace GB 15258 – 1999 General Rule for Preparation of Precautionary Label for Chemicals Issued on June 2 1 2009 To take effect on May 1 20 10 Issued by General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China And Standardization Administration of the Peoples Republic of China GB 15258 – 2009 Foreword Articles 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2 and Sections 5.4.1 and 5.4.2 in the Standard are mandatory, whilst the rest are recommended. The conformity degree between this Standard and its corresponding regulation, the second revised edition of “Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals” (GHS), is non-equivalent. The Standard replaces GB l5258 – 1999 General Rule for Preparation of Precautionary Label for Chemicals . The main differences between this Standard when compared to GB 15258-1999 are: - the label contents in Article 4.2 have been modified; - “Label dimensions” has been added to Article 5.3; - “Simplified labels” has been added to Article 4.3; and - Appendices A, B, C have been modified to include designed examples of precautionary labels, and pasting examples of precautionary labels and transport symbols, and precautionary statements have been provided for different categories of chemicals. Appendices A, B and C to the Standard are informa



