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Cold War Cold War—waged by Eisenhower placed new emphasis on nuclear strength to prevent the outbreak of war; authorized the CIA to undertake covert actions to overthrow unfriendly governments or protect reliable anti-Communist leaders whose power was threatened; the CIA helped topple the governments of Iran in 1953 and Guatemala (危地马拉) in 1954; Eisenhower helped to create a non-Communist government in South Vietnam. Historic Step Nixon administration’s historic step—closer ties with Communist countries: New relationship with China—the most dramatic move; Nixon— first US President to visit Beijing; The “Shanghai Communiqué”: There was one China,Taiwan was part of China; A peaceful settlement of the dispute by the Chinese themselves was American interest. US Domination Berlin Wall fell in 1989, former Soviet Union broke up in 1991; The US remained the most powerful country; Europe, Russia and probably China can attain comparable status in the future international affairs. * 此处加入视频文件White House * 此处加入音频文件 Watergate scandal * 此处加入视频文件Capitol * 此处加入音频文件American youth supports Democratic Party * * 2.3.1 Congress Law-making and the supreme legislative body; Two houses: the Senate the House of Representatives The Capitol is no longer opened to the public after the terror event on Sept. 11th, 2001. Capitol 2.3.2 The Senate 100 voting members, two from each state; They may be reelected for an unlimited number of six-year terms, chosen by a direct election; Qualifications for being a senator: over 30 years old; a US citizen for at least 9 years; resident in the state from which he is elected. 2.3.3 The House of Representatives 435 voting members plus a non-voting representative from Puerto Rico, Guma and the District of Columbia; State legislature divides each state into congressional districts, each district electing one Representative; Qualifications for being a representative: at least 25 years old; a US citizen for no less than 7 years; serve for a


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