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1. Chinese to English “To live is to change the world!” Those words by Steve Jobs have become well-known throughout the world since 2011 and he himself has also been regarded as the embodiment of innovation and imagination. Besides the most magical Apple products, what he has been highly appraised about also includes his unique, unarguable charm — “Reality Distortion Field”. This is how Andy Heitzfeld, the Macintosh software engineer, defined this powerful field of Steve Jobs’: “The reality distortion field was a confounding melange of a charismatic rhetorical style, an indomitable will, and an eagerness to bend any fact to fit the purpose at hand.” Bud Tribble, an Apple engineer, said, “The term ‘Reality Distortion Field’ is both a compliment and a warning. Being stuck in Steve’s reality distortion field is dangerous, but it is this field that really has empowered him to change reality.” 2. English to Chinese 或许,关于乔布斯最让人惊异的事实是,他认为市场调研和小组座谈会只会限制人的创新能力。当被问到苹果公司推出iPad之前进行了多少市场研究时,乔布斯的著名回答是:“完全没做过。消费者们没义务知道他们想要什么。如果消费者从来没有见过哪怕有一点点近似的东西,很难(让他们)告诉你他们到底想要什么。” 事实上,真正让苹果公司如此与众不同的是乔布斯的直觉,他有着雷达一样敏锐的感觉,能够感知新兴科技及其结合有望产生的“伟大至极”产品。对于去年于56岁英年早逝的乔布斯而言,直觉绝非本能。它是“连接生命中的点点滴滴”,正如他在斯坦福大学(Stanford)毕业典礼演讲中所 述,这段经常被人引用的话闪现了互异的人生经历和科技变革之间的关系。 完全可以想见,如果乔布斯高度依赖消费者研究,就不会有苹果公司后来的热卖产品,从麦金塔电脑(Macintosh)到iPod,再到iTunes。 凑巧的是,乔布斯推出麦金塔电脑当天,《大众科学》(Popular Science)的一位记者曾经问他,苹果公司进行了怎样的市场研究、确保这款电脑有市场。乔布斯以近乎生气的语调反问:“亚历山大?格雷汉姆?贝尔发明电话机前做过市场调研吗?” Unit 2 Director Davis Guggenheim ingeniously knits all varieties of the natural phenomena of global warming with Mr. Gore’s personal history, as well as his long-standing actions he has committed to improving the global warming warnings, which constitutes a strong shocking documentary. As a veteran environmentalist, Mr. Gore, from a thought-provoking and attention-appealing perspective, shows a great deal of the disastrous and undisputed facts and informa


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