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上海虹桥铁路客站概念设计方案征集 Schemes Soliciting of Conception Design for Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station ========================================================= 传真文件 Facsimile Transmission 日期 Date: 2005年8月12日 12th August 2005 致 To: 传真 Fax: 电话 Tel: 自 From: 铁道部工程设计鉴定中心 Engineering Design Appraisal Center of the Ministry of Railways 传 真: 86-10电 话: 86-1086-10关于 Re: 上海虹桥铁路客站概念设计方案征集 项目情况介绍会质疑/澄清第次质疑/澄清 Pages: 1+10 上海虹桥铁路客站概念设计 项目情况介绍会质疑/澄清第次质疑/澄清alignment of Qishen Road and Zhongchun Road be changed? Answer 1: The route alignment of Qishen Road and Zhongchun Road cannot be changed but the exact position can be adjusted. 问题2 在《设计任务书》的附件5中,要求在虹桥枢纽站的设计中考虑轨道交通(2、10、13号线)与本站的连接及预留。但现在对三条轨道交通线的客流量、车站规模、车站形式(高架、地面、地下)、具体站位等条件都不太明确,希望能予以进一步明确。 答:虹桥枢纽的轨道交通(2、10、13号线)仍在规划阶段,2、10、13号线其客流量、车站规模、具体站位请应征人分析确定。 Question 2: Appendix – 5 of the《Design Assignment》requires that in the design of Hongqiao Hub Station, the linking of Rail Communication (Lines No. 2, No.10 and No.13) with the station and reserve for the above lines will be considered. Since the conditions concerning the passenger flow, the scale of stations, the form of stations (elevated, ground or underground) and the exact locations of stations of the three rail communication are not explicit. It is our hope that these can be made further explicitly. Answer 2: Rail communication (Lines No. 2, No.10 and No.13) of Hongqiao Hub Station are now still in the stage of planning, stations of Lines No. 2, No.10 and No.13 are all underground stations, the passenger flow, the scale of stations and the exact locations of stations will be analyzed and defined by the person solicited. 问题3 上海市规划部门提出“应预留机场快线”,请说明机场快线的形式、引入方向,设站的规模及其航站楼的规划占地面积为多少? 答:根据上海市城市规划部门要求,本次答疑对虹桥枢纽总体规划增加新建机场快线的内容。 机场快线为连接虹桥枢纽及浦东国际机场的交通线路,规划在虹桥机场新建城市航站楼下部修建机场快线车站,车站宽约140米、长度约280米。详见附图(从网址http://获取)。 Question 3: The municipal planning department of Shanghai put forward that “airport fast road line should be reserved”, p


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