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12...similar to ObiWan and Yoda who Luke,as their scholar,consults for their teaching and advice. ……类似于奥比旺和犹达,卢克作为这两人的学生向他们请求指导和意见。 品味经典  ①He decided to consult his lawyer about it. 他决定向他的律师请教那件事。 ②We lost our way in the forest and had to consult the map. 我们在森林里迷路了,不得不查看地图。 ③I consulted with a friend of mine about it. 我和我的一位朋友商量那件事。 自我探究  consult v.咨询;请教 consult sb.about/on sth.就……向某人征询意见 consult sth.查阅 consult one’s doctor看医生 consult with sb.与……交换意见 牛刀小试 完成句子 (1)If symptoms continue,____________ (请教) a doctor without delay. consult (2)If you want to have further information about this phrase,____________ (查阅) in the dictionary. look up 13To his great relief,he achieves glory by turning his father back to the Light Side. 让他感到安慰的是,他使父亲重回光明面。 品味经典  ①The drug gives some relief from pain. 这种药可以减轻一些痛苦。 ②To my great relief,I wasn’t late. 我最庆幸的是没有迟到。 ③It’s a great relief to find you here. 见到你在这儿也就放心了。 自我探究  relief n.安慰;宽慰 to_one’s_relief使某人感到庆幸或宽慰的是 in_relief如释重负地 It’s a great relief to_do sth.做……让人宽慰  bring/give relief to...给……带来宽慰 牛刀小试 完成句子 那些头痛的人会发现这种药物能使头痛缓解。 Those who suffer from headache will find they get ________ from this medicine. relief 14Did Orson Welles deliberately set_out to terrify the nation? 难道奥森·韦尔斯是蓄意吓唬国人吗? 品味经典  ①He set out his ideas in simple English. 他用简单的英文表达了他的想法。 ②He carefully set out all the facts. 他详细陈述了全部事实。 ③Early the next morning,he set out for Shanghai. 第二天一早,他就动身去了上海。 ④George set out to improve his pitching. 乔治试图提高他的投球技术。 ⑤He set out all the goods on the stall. 他把所有商品都摆在了货摊上。 自我探究  set out①开始做,着手进行;②陈述,说明;③动身,出发;④试图,开始;⑤陈列,摆放 set up设立;建立 set about_doing着手做某事 set off动身;引发 set aside把……放到一旁;省出,留出(金钱或时间) set down放下;记下 易混辨析  set out,set about 这两个词组都有 “开始做某事”的意思,但是set out 后跟to do 形式,而set about 后跟v.-ing形式。 牛刀小试 完成句子 (1)政府已经开始进行很多必要的改革。 The government has ____________to make many needed reforms. (2)(2010年郑州高二检测)You’d better ____________ (省出) some money for special use. set out set aside 句型巧析 15But when,in 1938,the American actor and director,Orso


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