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蜜环菌营养条件优化作者:李亚宁(天水师范学院生命科学与化学学院,甘肃 天水,741001)【摘 要】以蜜环菌为研究对象,在蜜环菌栽培过程中添加一定量的不同辅助营养源以考察辅助营养物质对蜜环菌生长的影响,为实现蜜环菌的大规模生产奠定基础。用蜜环菌作栽培种,锯末和麸皮作主要营养源,不同量的蛋白胨、琼脂、黑曲霉ZM-8液、苹果枝节、苹果枝片、三十烷醇8ppm、萘乙酸10ppm、青冈木、卫生纸2g作辅助营养源培养蜜环菌。比较了添加有9种辅助营养源的培养基对蜜环菌菌索生长速度的影响。与对照相比,加入辅助营养源后,菌索生长速度提高,菌种生长状况得到改良,表现为菌索长势旺、分枝多、粗壮、色白等。其中,菌索在加有50g苹果枝节的培养皿中生长速度最快,长势最强,平均生长速度达到了2.1mm/d,比对照组中菌索的生长速度快0.58 mm/d。所添加的9种辅助营养培养基中,最适合菌索生长的是加有苹果枝节的菌枝培养基。苹果树是天水地区的普遍植物,其枝条产量丰富,可以作为蜜环菌栽培种的辅助营养源加以利用。【关键词】蜜环菌 培养 辅助营养源 优化Optimization of Armillaria Nutritional ConditionsAuthor: Li Ya-ning Tutor: Zhang Zong-zhou(College of life-science and chemistry, Tianshui Normal University; Tianshui, Gansu province; 741001)Abstract: Added a certain amount of different auxiliary source of secondary nutrition in the Armillaria mellea cultivation process in order to study the effects of nutrients to the growth of Armillaria, laying the foundation to achieve large-scale production of Armillaria mellea. Armillaria mellea for cultivated species, sawdust and bran as a primary source of nutrition, different amounts of peptone, agar, the black Aspergillus ZM-8 solution, Apple minor, apple branch piece, Triacontanol 8ppm,Naphthylacetate 10ppm,cyclobalanopsis wood,toilet paper 2g as secondary nutrient source of Armillaria. Compared the impact to the growth speed of Armillaria mellawith medium had added 9 kinds of supplementary nutrition. Compared with the control group, after adding the supplementary nutrient sources, the growth speed is improved cable bacteria, bacterial growth conditions have been improved, performance for the rhizomorph growth vigor, much-branched, stout and color white. Among them, rhizomorph withthe fastest growth and vigor in culture dish 50g apple branch.In addition, the average growth rate reached 2.1 mm/d,the specific growth rate of the control group was 0.58 mm/d cable. The addition of 9 kinds of nutrient medium, the most suitable rhizomorph growth is with apple branches side bacteria culture medium. The apple tree is a


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