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Chapter 5 case analysis 文本分析 text text function Linguistic form formality Nature carrier Relationship between the parties involved Thanks, inquiry, complaint, application Invitation, grammar syntax semantic formal informal tense, voice, mood, agreement… simple, compound, complex, short, long, rhetoric maxims, terse, clear normative up to corresponding standard biz, application, superior-underling Friends, kinship, lovers 语域register 语场(field),语旨(tenor)和语式(mode) 交谈的话题以及场地等 健康饮食 教室 食堂 学术会议 家庭 交际双方的社会角色关系 母子 师生 专家学者 新闻记者 语言活动所采用的媒介或渠道 口头、笔头 电话采访 微信交流 面对面交谈 学术报告 Significance Develop a thorough understanding of the texts Achieve a better writing effects Facilitate a better communication purpose Leave a better impression on persons involved 文本本身内容 一、对象 二、事由 功能或效果(以大局/公事为导向---说服力强) 2. 诉求(具有普遍性----增强说服力) 3. 建议(具体、可行性强) 三、落款 文本外内容 sth. beyond language 一、语法(grammar) 拼写正确(correct spelling) 语法正确(grammatically right) 格式规范(in line with norms 二、 语义(semantics) 1.明确(clear-defined) 2.简洁(brief and to the point) 3.有说服力(persuasive and convincing) 三、语体(styles) Formal: seriousness, more important Informal: somewhat casual, more daily Depends on situations and targeted functions 文本分析的视角 语言学视角 普通语言学 功能语言学 语域 语用学视角 言语行为理论 合作原则 礼貌原则 会话含义 (1)数量准则:(为当前的会话)提供足够的信息;不要提供超于所需之外的信息。? (2)质量准则:说真话;不说缺乏足够证据的话。? (3)关系准则:说话内容要同话题有关。? (4)方式准则:避免表达晦涩;避免歧义;说话要简明且有条理。? 语音、语调、词汇、语法 言语功能:命令、提问、陈述;拒绝、接受、认可、驳回;角色关系 如何有效利用文本 文本语言是否符合受众的语言基础 文本图式是否在受众的认知范围之内 影响文本的因素有哪些 如何根据既定目标调整文本,选择材料,调整话语组合方式等 Example 1 Asking to Opening the meeting room Dear director: All the employees are looking forward you admission to open the meeting-room and give articles for activities such as Chinese chess or pokes, so that we can have a good rest or have some helpful activities at noon. Respectfully yours All Employees January 12, 2014 Example 2 Asking for opening the meeting-Room Dear sir: all employees are look forward you admission to open the meeting-room, give articles for a



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