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Wedding cultural 1.婚礼要素 礼服 伴娘 花球 2.婚礼习俗 Colobia [k?l?mb??]哥伦比亚 The Candle ceremony 烛光仪式 2.Germany 德国 Drop plate 摔盘子 3. .印度India A Marriage of Two Families, Not Just Two People ?两个家庭,不只是两个人的婚姻 4中国 新娘自己制作礼服是不吉利的.在新娘到达婚礼现场之前,新郎就看到穿着婚纱的新娘也同样是不吉利的.在行礼日前,新娘不能同时穿上她在婚礼上准备穿着的全套服饰,有些新娘子直到要出发到行礼现场前,才缝上礼服上的最后一个针脚. It is thought unlucky for the bride to make her own wedding dress.It is also unlucky for the groom to see the bride in her wedding dress before until she arrives at the ceremony.The bride should not wear her entire outfit before the wedding day.Some brides leave a final stitch on the dress undone until it is time to leave for the ceremony when the outfit is completed. Bridesmaids were dressed in a similar way to the bride for the same reason as the origin of veil.The bridesmaids were thought to act as decoys to confuse evil spirits and thus protect the bride. 伴娘 伴娘的礼服类似于新娘,这和新娘的面纱作用相仿,一般来说,伴娘扮演一个迷惑魔鬼保护新娘的角色. After the reception the bride throws her bouquet back over her shoulder where the unmarried female guest group together.Tradition holds that the one who catches the bouquet will be the next one of those present to marry. A parallel custom is for the groom to remove the garter worn by the bride and throw it back over his shoulder toward the unmarried male guests.Again the one who catches it will be the next to marry. 在酒会结束后,新娘将她手中的花束抛向身后的未婚女性客人,传说,得到花束的女性将会成为在场客人中的下一个新娘. 还有一个相似的风俗,新郎取下新娘的吊袜带,抛向身后的单身汉们,同样,得到者将成为下一个新郎. Lighted candles There is a traditional custom in Colombian Christian weddings. After the ring ceremony, the groom(新郎) and the bride(新娘) each has to light a candle. This custom has a special meaning. Each lighted candle represents(代表) the life of each one. After that, they light another candle together and put out the first candle of each one, leaving only the one that they lit as a couple. This bright candle means that now they are the same body and they are going to share every moment of their lives. Polterabend--the E


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