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新托福口语 1.2 新托福口语考试解题方法 ETS对托福口语高分的总描述(Claims)和三个方面的基本 要求: Your responses with be scored holistically. 考生评分遵循整体性原则。 整体性原则指的是ETS的评分人员会根据考生整体对问题的回答质量综合给出分数。 判定考生语言质量高低的三个依据: Delivery(逻辑) Language Use(语言质量) Development(线性因果思维)。 Delivery:How clear your speech is。Good responses are those in which the speech is fluid and clear,With good pronunciation,natural pacing。and natural. sounding intonation patterns。 解读:高分的几个关键词:clear,fluid,good pronunciation,natural pacing,natural—sounding intonation. Clear的意思是逻辑清晰。 因果线性逻辑 Claims+ Warrants +Evidences + Conclusion 例 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Cell phones can improve our lives greatly.Use specific reasons to support your answer. 一个条理清晰的回答是这样的: 第一步:点出树根(Claims) Many people firmly believe that cell phones bring great improvement to their lives.However,I completely disagree with this view.(不同意) 第二步:拉出树干(Warrants) The reason is that with a cell phone,anyone can find you at any place andyour time doesn’t belong to you. 第三步:给出枝叶(Evidences) For example,it happens almost every time that phone calls draw me back to work when I finally get myself some leisure time for reading or having tea with family,or having a short trip or doing yoga. 第四步:结尾(Conclusion) So,obviously it is not an improvement of life quality. Fluid的意思是句子和句子之间有清晰的逻辑词或者暗含的逻辑关系。 不能结巴 不能大于3秒停顿 句子间时间间隔不能太长 填充词 You know,I mean,Anyway,Whatever,So,My point is,Like,Such as Good Pronunciation的意思是发音准确。 新托福官方指南(OG)的评分标准(Rubric)中对可以达到4分的回答的发音要求是:Include minor difficulties with pronunciation,换言之,它并没有要求非英语母语国家的考生的发音和Native Speaker一样,但是要求考生的发音没有明显错误,不至于让人在听的时候产生误解或者接受错误的信息。 Natural Pacing的意思是语速自然。 在新托福口语考试中,第一个和第二个Task的45秒回答时间里,考生最起码说够90词左右;在第三至第六个Task中,考生最起码说够120词才能让60秒的回答时间显得基本充分得到利用,这要求考生的语速适中略偏快、匀速。 分段练习法 例 The students letter complains about the schools new construction on a new,call—female dorm because it wastes money and there are rooms available in all—male halls.The letter also suggests the school keeping up with the times.The woman a


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