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1.标题,改成企业核心竟争力相关理论,这里内容及点太多,减少点 2问题与对策要点与点对牢 3结合一个企业来写,否则题有点大  学号: c 班级: 工商1301 2015 年 12 月 12 日 摘 要 21世纪以来,随着全球经济一体化、信息化进程不断加快,我国政治、经济、文化也得到高速发展。各大中小企业、国企、私营企业贯彻落实了对内改革、对外开放的基本方针。树立科学的发展观,以人文本发展理念,在社会主义市场竞争中,不断开拓进取,更新发展理念、优化人力资源,切实提高企业核心竞争力。然而,受到2008年全球金融危机影响,各行业领域在经营管理暴露出诸多问题,主要体现在管理理念陈旧、经验模式单一、欠缺企业文化、缺少高级管理人员等,严重制约企业进一步发展。本文运用文献资料法,重点对企业核心竞争力展开深入探究,分析我国企业管理模式的现状和存在问题并提出相应优化策略,切实推动我国企业切实提升核心竞争力,平稳、向上,走向可持续发展道路。 关键词:企业 核心竞争力 培养 问题 措施 The competitive strength of the enterprise Summary Sice 21st century wish the global economic integeation taking into place,the speed of the informatization has dramatically increased,the politics, economics, culture in our country have also gained incredible progress. All enterprises, including state founded as well as private sectors have thoroughly carried out the basic intiative of internal reform and opening to the outside world. Esablishing the scientific outlook on development, based on the philosophy of people foremost, constantly forge ahead, updating the developing concept, optimizing the human resource, essentially increased the core competitive strength of the enterprise. However, affected by the global rescission in 2008, managements in all different fields exposed many problrms,mainly reflected on the outdated managing concepts, singular experience module, and lack of enterprse culture as well as the senior managing staff shortages, which has caused severe restrictions on the further development for the enterprises. This dissertation has used the documrntary analyzing the current manaing module and the existing issues for the enterprprises in our country, providing the optimized strategy accordingly,helping to improve the core competitive strength for enterprises in our country, in order to get on the course which can lead us to the sustainable development steadily and upwards. Kewords: enterprise, core competitive , training, issu


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