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高考高频语法100句It句型 /__________ 3 years ________________________________________.他结婚3年了。 /____________________ __________ everything __________ to normal. 还要3年/很长时间一切才恢复原状。 the fire _________ put out.过了三个小时大火才被扑灭。 he __________ back.不会要很久他就会回来的。/_______ _____/_____ the _________ / ___________ time (that) I __________/__________ here.这是我第一次我来这里。 when the sports meeting will be held. 运动会什么时候举行对我说无关紧要。 Many students the classroom on time in the morning. 太多学生觉得早上按时到校很难。 without practice.学而不用没有用处/不好. Oct 1st, 1949__________ PRC was founded. 中华人民共和国成立的时间是1949年10月1日。 Oct 1st, 1949__________ China was founded. 中华人民共和国就是在1949年10月1日成立的。 虚拟语气 11. , I wouldn’t help him.如果我是你,我就不会帮他。(与现在) 12. , I wouldn’t go for the picnic. ______________________________________… ______________________________________ …如果明天下雨,我就不去野餐。(与将来) 13. If you , you ______________________________ him. 如果你早一点来你就会遇上他了。(与过去) 14. the answer now, but I don’t know. 我希望我现在知道答案。(wish) 15. the answer, but I didn’t know. 我希望我当时知道答案,但我不知道。(wish) 16. I would rather you your homework. 我宁愿你已经完成了作业。(would rather,与过去) I would rather (that) you 我宁愿你明天来看我。 I would rather (that) you . 我宁愿你现在就离开。 17. If only I to Beijing. 要是我去过北京就好了。(if only,与过去) 18. If you the doctor’s advice, you would recover now. 如果你听了医生的劝告,你现在就康复了。() 19. He suggested that we the meeting forward. 他建议我们提前开会。 His accent suggested that he __________from Hubei. 他的口音暗示他来自湖北。(宾从中虚拟与陈述) 20. What is at the meeting is that the night school __________________________ by October 1. 会议上提出的要求是夜校要在10月1号前建立。 He for a moment before kicking the ball, __________ he _____________________________. 他在进球之前犹豫了一下,要不然,球就进了。 语法100句情态动词 22. It’s possible that he was linked to the case: he planning the murder. 有可能他和这个案子有关:他可能参与计划了这起谋杀案。 23. We all surprised to hear that Jenny their family violence behaviors. 我们都很惊讶地听说Jenny竟然起诉她父母的家庭暴力行为。 24. He the truth earlier.他本该早点告诉我事实真相的。(情态动词) 25. Mike the classroom __________. I __________ him playing baske


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