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语文学刊 外语教育教学 2009年第 9期
Evaluation ofNew Horizon CollegeEnglish
ZH ang T iancang
( Inner M ong olia N orm al Un ivers ity, H uhhot, Inner M ong olia 010022 )
[Abstract] T extbook evaluation is of great mi portance for both teach ing and learn ing. In th is paper, the author in-
troduced several previousl popu lar evaluation theories, and evaluated theNew H orizon College English course book. Then
summ arize the d isadvantages of this set of textbooks, hope to mi prove teachingm ethods and to enhance teach ing effectivel .
[Key words] course book evaluation; New H orizon College English; teaching m ethods
[] H319. 4 [] A [] 1672-8610( 2009) 09-0146-03
call a m atch ing process.
I. Introduction
1. Gu idelines for evaluation suggested b Cunn ingsw orth
T extbook evaluation is of sign ificant mi portance for both lan- A ccording to Cunn ingsworth, E ffective evaluation depends
guages teaching and learning. It provides the strength and w eak- on ask ing appropriate questions and interpreting the answ ers to
ness of particular textbooks for teachers and educational adm inis- them ( 1995 /2002: vi ). So in h is book, Cunn ingsw orth pro-
trators to consider in the adoption of new textbooks. Besides, it vides aw ide range of evaluation questions for the users to select
is also usefu l in teacher developm ent . It can help teachers to from according to their own situations. Besides, the gu idelines
learn more about the nature of textbooks. Thorough anal sis of for evaluation are given below, wh ich is believed b