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sometimes,have you ever thought that it would be great if the time can flow back,and you can come back to the past? 有时候,你是否也想时间可以倒流,你可以回到过去那该多好啊? and thought that it would be wonderful if you can live more and more younger 想着,如果可以越活越年轻该多好啊 bue,its really good when you live more and more younger?? 但是,如果当你真的越活越年轻的时候,这真的好吗? 《本杰明·巴顿奇事》以一个奇特的故事,讲述了本杰明颠倒的一生,它包含了更多人们对于‘生死命题’的追问,包含人类生命和情感的脆弱性。 Benjamin button , tells the story of Benjamins life up and down, it contains people for asking life and death , contains the fragility of human life and emotions. 开始变帅 daisy met a car accident and she couldnt dance again ,finally they had a chance to get together 1962年,受伤复原后的黛西回到故乡,四十多岁的本杰明和三十七八的黛西,无论从年龄和外表特征都品貌相当,多次错失爱情良机,终于找到人生交汇点而走到一起…… Gradually,Benjamin had a dementia(老年痴呆), but he looked like five years old child... about love 容颜不是爱的依据,只是心灵驻留的外壳 黛西皮肤松弛粗糙,本杰明皮肤水嫩细腻 黛西已是驼背,本杰明还是婴儿 爱却依然永恒 appearance is not the basis of love, just heart resides. when Daisy is sagging skin coarse, Benjamins skin is delicate and tender when Daisy is bow-backed, Benjamin becomes a baby bue love remains eternal about life and time 本杰明·巴顿奇事 -----菲茨杰拉德(美) by 邬凯敏 The story began with a clock running back forward in honor of the soldiers who died in the World War One. It also gave Benjiemin the back forward life. 我们有时候希望时问能够倒流,这样就可以去弥补过去的遗憾 sometimes we want to ask to put back the clock, so you can make up for the regret of the past -------时间哲学的逆向思维 New born Benjiemin—had an old appreance and organs. he is different and wrinkled, his father abandoned him to the door of nursing home(老人院), then Benjieming was adopted by black woman He was 7, totally a child, but seemed to be a 87 dying man. He went through his childhood in the Home for the Aged. There he felt that he was the same as other aged people. “你跟别的小孩不一样,有着大人的外表,却还是个孩子,别人是不会明白你的不一样的”,由此造成他独特的人生和爱情…… Unlike other kids, Benjieming has adult appearance, but he was still


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