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1 9 2 vol119 No12 2 0 0 9 2 JOURNAL OF BINGTUAN EDUCAT ION INST ITUTE Apr. 2009 * 论任务教学法与大学英语课堂教学 董传杰, 范慧茜 ( 264005) : 56/ 0 3P, , , , : ; ; ; : G642 : A : 1009- 1548( 2009) 02- 0052- 03 Task - Based A pproach and Co llege English Classroom Teach ing Theory and P ractice DONG Chu n- jie, FAN Hui- qi n ( Sh ndong Institute of Business nd T echnology, Y nt i, Sh ndong 264005 , Chin ) Abstrac t College English Curricu lum Requirem ents stresses the developm ent of the students com prehensive c p cities to pply English. Currently the dom in nt cl ssroom te ching p ttern of college English is 3P wh ich focuses on the tr nsm is- s ion of l ngu ge know ledge nd it is difficult to develop the students com prehensive c p cities to pp ly English. T sk - b sed ppro ch tr nsfers b s ic notions of l ngu ge pp lic tion to pr ctic l cl ssroom te ch ing p ttern, nd stresses the developm ent of the students pr ctic l b ilities to pp ly l ngu ge. This p per tries to pp ly schol stic rese rches in college English te ch ing pr ctice b sed on the current situ tion of Ch inese college studen ts. K ey word s t sk- b sed ppro ch; college English; cl ssroom te ch ing; probe 2007 756 , (56)/ 0, / , 0 3P, Peter Skeh n , 3P, present tion() , pr ctice ( CLT, Commun-i (


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