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听力教程1 第2版 (戴炜栋 施心远)Unit7
Unit 7 Listening Course 2 Section One Tactics for Listening Part 1: Phonetics Focus Stress, Intonation and Accent Understanding rising or falling tone. Exercise: An American film star is talking to you about his likes and dislikes. Has he finished speaking? Tick the right box. Tick the right box Part 2 Listen and Note-taking Mountain Rescue Service Focus: Selecting key words Organizing notes in the form of an outline .uk/basecamp/ A mountain rescue team at work in the Lake District Ex. A: Fill in the key words in the sentences 1. The first thing that happens is that the person who reports the accident is closely questioned. 2. They will also need to know how many people were involved in the accident and what kind of injuries there were. 3. The third party on the mountain is the back-up group. 4. Their job is to help the main party on its return journey. 5. The base is set up near telephone so that extra help can be contacted without delay. Ex. B: Take notes and complete the following outline. Mountain Rescue Service I. The rescue group finds out a number of details. A. The place where the accident happened. B. The time of the accident. C. Details about the victim. (continued) II. Then the rescue team’s call-out procedure begins. A. Team members keep their personal equipment at home so as to be ready to set off within 15 minutes of receiving the call. B. The advance party of about 4 people sets off right away. 1. They carry a radio telephone with them to send details to the main party and to the base. 2. They are also equipped and trained to give immediate medical assistance. (continued) C. The main party follows the advance party. 1. They carry a radio telephone and more supplies, including a stretcher for the victim. D. The 3rd party on the mountain is the back-up group. 1. Their job is to help the main party on its return journey. (continued) III. Rescue control is set up in a mobile base. A. This vehicle carries the team’s supp
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