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( ) 8 ( 6 ) 001161 J . Shanxi Ag r ic . Univ . ( Social Science Ed ition) N o. 6 Vol . 8 2009 5新视野大学英语6 移就修辞格的理解 王育红 ( , 046000) : 英语中的移就 (transferred epithet) , 又称转移修饰 ( Hypallage) , 即将原来用于修饰 甲的词语用于修饰不同类的乙其结构由转移修饰语和中心语组成 容词是最常见的转移修 饰语转移 容词修饰的中心语只是该 容词的 式被修饰语, 其逻辑被修饰语是它按照语法 逻辑常规所修饰的对象移就在 5新视野大学英语6 的选材中频繁出现, 而其词语搭配上异于 常规的处理成为了各篇文章的亮点, 造成新奇的表达效果 : 移就格; 特征; 式被修饰语; 逻辑被修饰语 : H319. 3 : : 1671-816X (2009) 06-0636-04 Understanding Transferred Epithet in New Horizon College English WANG Yu- hong ( D ep ar tment of For e ig n L ang uag es , Changz h i M ed ical Co lleg e, Changz h i Shanx i 046000, Ch ina) Abstract: T ransferred epithet in English, also called Hypallage, denotes that an epithet used to define a distinctive quality of a person or a thing is used to define a different kind of thing. It is made up of a transferred epithet and its center word. djectives are the most frequently used transferred epithet . The center word of a transferred adjective is only theformal modified object of the adjectivewhose logical modified object is the one the adjective is supposed to modify grammati- cally and logically. Transferred epithet finds its way in quite a lot of teaching materials of New Ho- rizon College English, and the irregular collocation of words becomes the highlights of the texts. Key words: Transferred epithet; Features; Formal modified object; Logical modified object ( transferred epithet) ,


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