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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料 影视英语:《驯龙高手2》电影续集的“教科书” 近期,梦工厂的3D电影《驯龙高手2》正在电影院上映,与《驯龙 高手1》时隔四年,不少影迷肯定是翘首以盼了,所以小编为大家搜集 了该电影的双语介绍,希望大家在观影的同时,也不要忘了雅思学习哦 ! 近期,梦工厂的3D电影《驯龙高手2》正在电影院上映,与《驯龙 高手1》时隔四年,不少影迷肯定是翘首以盼了,所以小编为大家搜集 了该电影的双语介绍,希望大家在观影的同时,也不要忘了雅思学习哦 !更多影视英语及双语阅读材料,请关注智课外语( If 2010’s How to Train Your Dragon was a smash hit that showcased DreamWorks’ ability to make films equal in quality to Pixar, then this is a textbook example of how to do a sequel just right. How to Train Your Dragon 2 expands the universe established in the first film, adding new characters and worlds to explore, yet it still concentrates on telling a complete story centered on its main characters. 如果说2010年的《驯龙高手》令人眼前一亮,证明了梦工厂可与皮 克斯匹敌的制作水平,那么新上映的《驯龙高手2》则堪称电影续集的 “教科书”。《驯龙高手2》拓展了第一部的虚拟世界,加入了新角色 与新领域,但故事仍然围绕主要人物展开 ,情节完整 ,脉络清晰。 When we last left the Viking village of Berk, the teenaged Hiccup had convinced his ferocious father Stoick that dragons were not enemies but loving creatures to be embraced. 第一部结尾处 ,小嗝嗝成功令凶恶的父亲接受了飞龙,相信龙不是 敌人,而是一种可爱的生物。 Unfortunately, the evil Drago Bludvist disagrees. This time, he’s building a dragon army to destroy Berk and the secret dragon paradise created by Hiccup’s mother, Valka. A war seems inevitable and the consequences will be catastrophic. 不幸的是,大反派 “疯狂猎龙者”并不这么认为。续集里 ,他组建 起了一支飞龙军队 ,想要摧毁博克岛以及小嗝嗝母亲瓦尔加一手建立起 来的秘密龙乐园。战争一触即发 ,后果不堪设想。 The first movie was a boy-and-his-pet story: Hiccup tames and raises a Night Fury dragon nicknamed Toothless. While the film celebrated the virtues of compassion and friendship, the sequel is a coming of age story in which Hiccup, now a young man in his 20s, struggles to find his place in a foggy future. And despite relying on familiar coming of age cliches, How to Train Your Dragon 2 provides a fresh angle, with an emotionally engaging story and characters. 《驯龙高手》讲述了男孩与他宠物的故事 ,围绕小嗝嗝如何训练和 饲养一只绰号 “无牙仔”的跟踪类飞龙展开。相较于第一部赞美同情与 友谊的主题 ,《驯龙高手


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