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摘 要 结晶器是钢坯连续铸造的关键设备,其设计和制造的优劣直接影响到连铸生产的正常与稳定。本文就目前连铸结晶器采用的铜板材料及铜板材料表面处理技术的发展现状进行了总结和分析。指出针对板坯结晶器窄面铜板易高温变形、磨损的情况,采用高强度、高导热率的弥散强化铜材料,进而延长结晶器的维修周期,提高生产效率。同时针对现有结晶器铜板表面改性技术的优缺点,发展新型合金涂、镀层技术,进一步提高涂、镀层的硬度,耐磨和耐腐蚀性能。目前结晶器铜板表面处理的几种方法:电镀法、热喷涂法、化学热处理法以及具有潜在发展前景的激光熔覆法。激光熔覆法由于具有清洁无污染,成品率高以及性价比高等特点,具有广阔的发展和应用空间。而且,通过优化熔覆工艺参数,设计合理的熔覆材料体系,能够形成与铜板呈冶金结合的优良抗热耐磨复合涂层,从而显著提高结晶器的使用寿命。 关键词:结晶器;化学热处理;激光熔覆;铜板 Abstract The progress of mould plates was reviewed in continuous casting. The techniques such a solution or aging or forming or fine crystal and their combination were an effect tiveme thod which benefit for high conductivity and high strengthen of copper base alloy. Copper base composite maerial through dispersion technique and composite hardening and surface strengthening have more promising for mouldes in the future.Based on the current study stat of surface strength ening on copper crystallizer, several surface treatment means,such as electro plating thermal spraying,penetration and laserclad dingte chnique with potential development are described. Because of cleanliness without any pollution, high finished product ratio and high performance costratio, laser cladding has wide development and application range. Moreover, by optimizing process parameters and designing suitable material system, fine hea-t resistant and wear-resistant coating having metallurgy bonding with copper substrate can be fabricated, therefore, it may notably improve the service life of copper crystallizer. Key words: Copper crystallizer; Electroplating; Thermal Chemical heat treatme;Copper plate 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 连扎连铸简介 1 1.2 工艺流程 3 1.3 板坯连铸机质量优势 4 1.4 研究背景 5 1.5 国内外状况 6 1.6 结晶器概述 7 1.7结晶器存在的问题 9 1.8 结晶器使用前的安全检查 9 1.9 本章小结 10 第2章 结晶器夹紧装置的选择计算 11 2.1结晶器夹紧装置简介 11 2.2 结晶器夹紧受力分析及计算选择 12 2.3 结晶器宽边调整机构的安装 14 2.4 本章小结 14 第3章 结晶器调宽装置的选择计算 15 3.1 调宽装置简介 15 3.2 调宽装置的确定和基本参数的选择 16 3.3 调宽装置驱动选择 18 3.4 窄边调整机构的安装 18 3.5 本章小结 19 第4章 结晶器铜板及水箱的选择计算 20 4.1 结晶器铜板的设计 20 4.1.1结晶器长度的选择 20


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