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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 盘点托福口语常用词汇 本文智课小编为各位考生列举一些托福口语考试中常用的口语词汇 ,希望对大家复习托福口语有所帮助。   ●●点击获取更多专业名师辅导 、免费增值服务,享受托福精英、VIP一对一计划●● * 托福口语关键词汇: airport, boat, bus, coach 大客车; conductor 售票员;driver, inspector 检查员,稽查员; lorry 卡车 (美作:truck), passenger, plane, pedestrian 行人; ride乘车; ship, taxi, taxicab, traffic, trolleybus 无轨电车; underground, tube, subway 地铁; van 厢式货车; etc. * 托福口语常用短语: bus stop 汽车站; cargo boat 货船; commercial vehicle 商用车; double-decker bus 双层公共汽车; elevated railway, overhead railway 高架铁路; highway code 交通法规; minimum fare (of a taxi) 最低车费; open to traffic 通车; passenger boat 客船; private car, railway network 铁路资; railway transport 铁路运输; road user 道路使用者; rush hour, taxi driver, cab driver 出租车司机; taxi rank, taxi stand 计程车车站; 出租车总站; traffic jam交通拥挤;traffic policeman 交通警察; urban railway 市区铁路; utility car 公共车辆; etc. ◆ 托福口语常用句型 : 1. Are you traveling by train or bus? 2. Can you tell me about how long it’ll take to get to…? 3. Can you take us to the train station? 4. Do you know a faster route to …? 5. How long is this flight? 6. How many stops will the train / bus make on the way? 7. How much does a return ticket cost? 8. I want to buy a sleeper ticket to…? 9. Keep the meter running.继续打表吧。 10. Let us out here.让我们在这儿下车。 11. What time will the plane land? 12. When does the next train/bus leave for…? 13. Where do I board my plane? 14. Where is the ticket counter? 以上就的托福口语考试 中常用的口语词汇的详细内容 ,希望考生可以结合自身情况适量掌握托 福口语词汇。


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